A/N: About Bonus Chapters Going Forward

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I got time before I leave for Christmas so I thought I'd give a run down about bonus chapters. Bonus chapters from now on will take place in "Future Teyvet" which is set 50+ years after Lumine takes the throne. Sadly do to the sheer size of Edge of Dawn I will NOT be doing a bonus chapter this time. There will be one in Clair De Lune, however. Also hehehe for christmas have some Bakari and Mochi bunny above~! Anyways...

-About The Future Teyvet Timeline-

-Lumine and Xiao took the throne in Teyvet's approx. 1900s, it is now akin to 1950s in Teyvet. Teyvet has had many advancements during this age of humans. The world now has radios, tv, and elemental devices are slowly becoming mainstream. Many elemental immortal races are now very rare due to dying out or leaving the continent to form a elemental race only continent called Arcadia. There is an uneasy truce between Teyvet and Arcadia.

-There is a divide between Archenism and Lumenism and this is creating conflicts in the nations. However Lumenism is the widely accepted practice. In Lumenism, Lumine is known as "All-Mother" while Alatus is called "All-Father" respectively and statues, temples, and shrines of them are rapidly found everywhere. These places have an order known as the Luminary Knights.

-Xiaolumi's eldest children, Solis and Vesperus are called the Twin Laws. Many mysteries and legends now surround the twins and are furiously protected by the Archons. They are in their 50s but appear no older then 19-20yrs old and have only just acquired their true forms at age 20.

-Many characters we love and adore have since grown old and had families, retired, passed away, gotten older, or even are now gods themselves. Some of these ascended gods are Cyno, Kazuha, Wanderer, Diluc, Eula, Baizhu, and a couple others. Some are even parents and grandparents or even married or are now all grown up.

-There is a new geo archon, his name is Qinglong/Basilicious and he is 40yrs. old but appears to be a teenager. He's a geo dragon yaksha and Zhongli's samsara. He is the youngest of Lumine's three children. He descends with his family every decade.

-Aloy will be our Traveler and MC for bonus chapters. She by mistake ends up traveling the celestial atlas to land in Teyvet after the events of Forbidden West. She's desperate to get home, so she's looking for Lumine. She arrives in Snezhnaya, not Monstandt she will eventually make her way to where Xiaolumi have descended.

-There is a special reason Xiaolumi have descended from Celestia and you'll find out soon in future that is unknown to Teyvet but is known by the archons, Celestia, and Arcadia. Xiaolumi have descended somewhere close to the Yggdrasil.

-Wanderer has become known as the one of three gods the Celestia Royal Family sends to dish out punishment. He is in charge of helping protect Vesperus and Solis. But can you guess the other two gods? one answers to Lumine and one answers to Alatus.

-Noelle is in her late 40s to early 50s and is the current Grand Master of Favonious. Jean has long since retired and Varka has passed away(old age). Klee is the current leader of the Luminary Knights and head of Favonous Alchemy Squad. Jean married into Diluc's clan, she has a daughter named Elisa(she's pyro like her father, many describe her to be like Venessa) and a 12yr old grandson named Vergil(cryo).

-Beidou and Ningguang have a son they adopted named Shun. Shun(electro) is the current leader of the Qixing after working his butt off to grab his mother's spot. Shun is sadly widowed but has a daughter, Xia(dendro).

-Ayaka ended up marrying Thoma with Ayato's and Ei's blessings. They have two daughters that have since grown up, Kamisato Megumi(20s; dendro) and Kamisato Yoko(17yrs; electro). Ayato sadly never married, never able to find a suitor.

-The Akademiya has been sorted out and fixed up. Nahida has aged, now looking like a teenager and has grown significantly stronger then in her childhood. She hops a lot between each side of the wall between the desert and jungle provinces of her nation. The desert has since flourished and now called the Deshret Province. It's become quickly famous for dishing out very skilled historians and mages.

-Lumine is known as Celestial Empress Lumen and Xiao is known as Celestial Emperor Alatus. However its taboo to utter their real names unless they are archons, from Celestia, from Arcadia, or were close friends of Xiaolumi during the present timeline main story.

-Both Alatus and Lumine have many names they are called by you'll discover. Some of them are rather interesting ones. They also like quite different from how they do now. For example Xiao's grown his hair out and now wears a ponytail. Lumine has her wings back and has since also grown out her hair, she looks a lot like her mama Istaroth now(but blonde lmao).

-There is a new enemy that has surfaced since the war to take back Lumine's birthright. These are known as the Fallen and they are fowl monsters linked to Nyxia and the fallen corrupt gods. They are very destructive and usually do not have solid physical bodies, wielding Void/antimatter abilities to cause everything from corrosion to decay to erosion. Vesperus and Solis fight these regularly as does Lumine's military, the Seraphim Knights.

-Known members of the Seraphim Knights include Eula, Yelan, Nilou, Cyno, Candace, and Dehya just to name a small few. These knights are responsible for protecting the royal family and four great houses. They also will pass judgement and arrests when required. They take orders directly from Lumine and Alatus.


That's all for now on what you can expect. I look forward to seeing you guys next year but I wanted to let you guys know what to expect for the future. With that I take my leave, have a merry christmas and happy holidays~!

~Ad astra abyssosque, Sincerely Aria Snow.

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