Ratatoskr's Lil Mind Games

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A/N: A new arc, a new opening song(this one is heavy Xiaolumi told from both their pov)...It's pretty much tradition at this point!! True to his word to Grand Sage Azar, Xiao plans to take Lumine away from the city. Lumine though makes a request when she realizes the date. 

Oh quick notes before I let you go read by the way...

|| Important ||

◈Due to Xiaolumi's situation, there will be NO Monstandt Octoberfest chapters!! Booze is bad for pregnancy anyways and they're too far away and cant travel out of Sumeru.
◈Lumine will reach her 4th month(2nd Trimester) this arc, enemies beware of birb hubby!!!
◈As desired, I'll include a Halloween/Harvest themed chapter involving Xiaolumi and Aaru Village.
◈Lisa and Razor will fill Lumine in on what happened during the festival and Varka's letter between chapters. Thus, Lumine knows Captiano is in Natlan and knows about Mika.


The gentle light of the morning July sunlight cast the land in a welcomed warmth not known by Teyvet, not even Sumeru as it creeped to chase away the shadows of the night. The brilliant dawn painted in gorgeous soft pastel hues as the sounds of the jungle waking began to sound as the rishboland tigers lingering outside the city retreated to sleep away the summer heat. They could smell it, sense it even; there was a vulnerable goddess carrying forest spirit cubs inside the humans' weird stone den behind their strange smooth stone cliffs. If the roc's mate was permitted to live then their hunting grounds were in danger. But they had not been able to get close due to the humans with their pointy sticks and metal fang weapons. The female's mate never felt her side. They could smell it, his dominance and see his territorial marks from green pointy sticks and sharp talons. All the beasts were cautious but those monsters were not as bright. Strange furry, loud humans of weird sizes always stealing their pray. So with soft gruff growls the tigers flicked their ears and retreated deeper into the jungle.

Meanwhile the city itself had begun to become slowly but surely lively with the morning hustle and bustle. The young blonde s-class adventurer paid the innkeeper as she handed back her key. Beside her the dark ebony haired adeptus hummed softly as he held her close to his side, escorting his beloved through the city streets. Lumine felt comforted by this quiet gesture after what happened the other day. Xiao had wanted to take her away immediately but was so exhausted Lumine had to convince him to spend the last two days resting, which he slept the entire time through.

Those two days she spent with Dunyarzad and revealed the other reason she had come to Sumeru was cause she was pregnant, which baffled Dunyarzad but also delighted her friend she had almost been too late to save. Afterwards Lumine promised to write to Dunyarzad, giving Dehya a sigil of permission to enter her teapot abode. The next day she spent with Nilou, eagerly getting to know the ditzy redhead and becoming very close with the dancer, even showing her some dances she knew from her mother. The two becoming very very close friends as a result as Lumine gave her a sigil to let her into the teapot and finally told her the truth for her and Xiao being here...yet it seemed Nilou had caught on faster then they thought having heard old stories of the Forest Guardians of the Dendro Archon.

Nilou was excited and had even taught her a few recipes that were popular with the girls, which excited Lumine beyond belief. Who knew Sumeru had so many sweets and baked goods!!! Oh and don't get her started on the kataifi, oh that wonderful kataifi how she missed it. The same dessert mother used to make. Actually there were many old recipes Lumine missed now that she could remember more of her memories. It made her miss all the Khaenrian and Celestian dishes she used to make like those pecan cookies and kataifi. There was also the Khaenrian Creme dessert. All the food she sorely missed but she knew it'd be difficult or even impossible to recreate now.

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