Stars of Deshret

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A/N: After Dehya's reckless actions the hostage exchange begins, but not like they had hoped. A strange twist of events ends up revealing a tomb buried in the sands. They witnesses Nahida's powers but also a glimpse of Lumine's own.


A lot had happened throughout the day as Lumine, Cyno, Xiao, and Paimon gathered intel on the missing keepers. Alhaitham who had gathered information on his own brought them back to one particular woman that had been startled by Cyno and Xiao respectively. The intel they learned from her pointing them towards the abandoned medical laboratory. But because it was now a hot spot for Deshretian ermite extremists Lumine had to stay behind safely in the village...much to her dismay.

But what was Xiao supposed to do? Lumine was in no condition anymore to even defend herself and Alhaitham had advised she stay and rest today. With Alhaitham the scribe got to see first hand the aggression the young yaksha was experiencing. Even shifting into his true form at the sight of some vultures. It had been like watching a falcon swoop in to snatch its bird victim out of the air with deadly accuracy. Xiao was indeed showing those telltale signs of what he had called the "Nesting" had begun. Easily cleaning and butchering his catches before they returned. Xiao gifting some to the village chief and Candace out of respect and gratitude.

But not long after Xiao had to leave Lumine once again in their care as he left with Dehya for the Wall of Samiel on another lead. Lumine sat just outside on the stairs that lead to Candace's house. A pout on her face as she munched on some candied soybeans she had made earlier. Hermes she had sent to follow Xiao while he had left tiny Aquila with her. Aquila hopped up onto her lap with a concerned chirp.Lumine offered a small smile as she scratched the bird familiar just along the neck, earning a happy sing-song from the bird.

"Still upset they left you behind, dear Lumine?"asked Candace as she sat down to join her with a sachet of some kind of sweet in her hand.

"Hi Candace."sighed Lumine. "Admittedly I am. I hate being treated like I'm made of glass!"

"I know its hard but they are doing it for your own sake. Leaving you here in Aaru Village gives them peace of mind so they can focus too."assured Candace.

"Part of me knows and accepts this would happen eventually and they are right. But the other can't help but feel useless being forced to watch and not allowed to help..."Lumine admitted as Aquila hopped up onto her shoulder and nuzzled her.

"What you feel is normal. I hear it so often from the ermites and even some of our villagers and guardians. My family comes from a long royal lineage, and we have a saying."Lumine looked at her in curiosity. "The stars will always shine but even they too must rest for a time."

Lumine thought for a moment and smiled as the saying sounded a lot like one her mother used to say. But Candace was right that even the stars must give way for the sun but they never truly vanish. Likewise the sun must give way to the moon and stars so it can rest in the night's dark embrace. Candace held up the small sachet, "Here this for you. Isak saw you looked down and insisted to me we make this for you. He thought it might help cheer you up."

"Thank you."Lumine happily accepted and pulled the string to open it. Inside were these little squares that were almost like a white fudge-like sesame paste filled with candied nuts. It was a snack she'd never seen before. Actually not completely true she had seen Ajax make it once back in winter when she was still injured. But it looked a bit different then this with very similar ingredients. "It's candied ajilenakh nuts. They're a very popular snack especially right now as we prepare for the Wag Festival. The children just adore this treat."hummed Candace.

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