Ningguang's Wish

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[A/N: Ganyu knowing Lumine's still a little bit unwell, but hates staying home gets Lumine to fill in for one of Ningguang's aids for the day. I thought some Mulan OST would fit nicely here for Ningguang and the kids. I really love Ningguang as she was actually one of my first 4 star pulls(ironically Beidou came the next day after her, how funny is that?) and I had her until I got Diluc.]


Bright and early Lumine awoke and hurried away for the Jade Chamber as promised as soon as she got dressed, grabbing a few packets of the medicine Baizhu had given her. Stopping to notice the cup of the purple soy beverage left for her, two lone golden vermillion feathers left beside it. "Xiao was here earlier."she thought with an adoring smile. Quickly she grabbed one of the feathers, knowing his intentions as she fastened in her hair with her powder blue feathers. "Put these on, they'll protect you" she could just imagine him saying.

"Lumine come on, we gotta be there before 7am!"called Paimon.

"I'm coming, don't worry."Lumine assured grabbing the small cup of the soy smoothie. Devouring it in no time before hurrying after her floating friend. Running out the door vanishing in a golden white light. Her day as her friend's secretary had begun.

As Ganyu promised, the task itself was relatively light work, mostly just making sure Ningguang's welfare was taken care of and that she got to her meetings on time

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As Ganyu promised, the task itself was relatively light work, mostly just making sure Ningguang's welfare was taken care of and that she got to her meetings on time. Ningguang had been informed ahead of time that the Traveler was not physically well enough for far more laborious work, which was perfectly alright. Ningguang was still all the more grateful she had accepted as she woke up that morning and went for breakfast. She had been surprised while Lumine Ningguang had, to her surprise, noticed Lumine had barely touched anything the chef had provided for them.

"Are you alright? Is the food not to your liking, Traveler?"Ningguang pressed politely.

"Lumine you gotta eat something, Baizhu said you won't get better if you don't eat."Paimon looked over in concern. From what she had seen Lumine had only touched a few crystal shrimp. That was not enough for a meal!

"I-I meant no disrespect, Ningguang and I'm aware what Baizhu's orders were. To be honest, my stomach's been just smells too strong."Lumine admitted.

Ningguang's eyes turned wide in surprise, recalling what Ganyu had warned her on. Her sharp mind already started to stew some plausible reasons from what little information she was given. "I wonder..."the silver haired geo user thought. She was quick to get up to her feet and offered a smile. "It's quite alright, Lumine. But how did you enjoy what little you did try?"

"I actually liked it, thank you. Do you usually eat with your staff, Ningguang?"Lumine wondered, following after her companion down the hall.

"Good, I'm glad you approve of my culinary tastes. On occasion, I usually eat alone as everyone is too busy for a leisurely sit down meal. There's just so much to get done."Ningguang stated calmly with a very soft hum. "Breakfast is also usually not so lavish, thus my surprise earlier. I actually thought you had cooked it all yourself."

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