A Squirrel of A Plan

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A/N: Hey its November we're back for the Akademiya Arc, the final arc of the Sumeru Saga Archon Quest. With it brings a new opening song for the arc too~! We have only 1 last arc after this one and that arc Vesperus & Solis finally arrive!! Xiaolumi awake that late July morning to bid Aaru Village goodbye and begin the plan. Lumine agrees she'll accompany them until they meet Cyno.

Lumine's Progress: As of the start of this arc Lumine is 16 weeks(Jul 20 - Jul 26). Sadly she will not make many appearances during the archon quest's final arc since she will be left at the camp with Collei. At least not until the archon quest concludes. However, Lumine is sending Hermes with Xiao so she'll hear everything and even communicate with Xiao.


A gentle touch and caress stirred Lumine into the waking world that morning. The sharp cries of desert birds as sunlight tickled and warmed her skin greeted her ears. "Lumi~?"came the gentle tone again, prompting her with a grumble to open rich, soulful honey amber eyes. Blinking away her blurred vision induced by slumber as she was greeted by the soft, small smile of her beloved yaksha leaning over her. His hand stroked her cheek before moving some stray hair behind her elfen ear. "Morning..."she sleepily mumbled nuzzling into his hand. With a stretch she slowly heaved herself up before again stretching her stiff limbs with a yawn.

It had been getting difficult lately getting comfortable now that she was forced to resist the urge to sleep on her back like she usually did. Especially the last time got her chewed out by Alhaitham because sleeping on her side was better for her and the unborn infants. Honestly she couldn't remember all the details, growing increasingly scatterbrained. Paimon not far away set her boots down as she got out of bed. Xiao is more than happy to hand her the clothes she set aside last night, quickly getting changed and putting the inteyvets back into her hair.

"Paimon went ahead and put everything into the teapot with Aquila and Herme's help for you guys."informed Paimon.

"Thanks Paimon. It wouldn't be fair on Candace to leave all my stuff here in her guest room after accommodating us."Lumine nodded with a smile of gratitude as she slipped on her boots.

"Lumine, your scarf."Xiao reminded gently to put it around her neck. Lumine let out an embarrassed chuckle at just how forgetful she was right now. It was during this she noticed the color of Xiao's Vision was different yet retained the anemo symbol as he fastened the clip around it. It had a hue of cosmic blue like a night sky. Was it a trick of the light? Lumine was not sure. What she was sure of was the shape of his Vision had changed into a four point star after the Wag Festival. "Don't forget it like you forgot your cloak last time."

"Yeah, that was embarrassing since it was so cold the other night."agreed Lumine. "So thank you." Lumine wincing a little bit as she put her hand to her lower back.

"Back hurting again?"wondered Xiao as he grabbed her cloak to rest it over her shoulders. Lumine nodded in confirmation as she quickly fastened it in place. "Just do as Candace said and take it slow and let me know when you need to rest. I promise we'll get you home to our camp soon but I need to do a few things first."

"Oh so the plan starts today then? Very well, I don't mind."giggled Lumine in understanding. One hand holding her cloak closed while the other quickly pulled out a peach from her dimensional storage. Xiao with gentle care resting his arm around her shoulders led her away from the house. Stopping to give their thanks to Candace before Lumine gifted her the sigil to let her come visit in the teapot any time she liked. While Lumine would not be able to participate in the rescue she still attended these meeting briefings so she would know what would be happening. 

This was the final meeting as they slipped into the village chief's house earning greetings from Cyno, Dehya, and Alhaitham. Yesterday Alhaitham had done a quick medical scan on her and the twins....No complications were found. At least none that his unique device could pick up. "So why do I feel so worried?"thought Lumine as she listened to her loved ones go over the final plans. Even accounting that Dottore would try and target Lumine again with Xiao away.

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