Where A Tiger Fell

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[A/N: New Arc, new opening song as we start the Second Arc~! On their way taking Lumine back to Wanshu Inn, Xiao senses something in direction of Chasm. At Lumine's encouragement they go to investigate. There they stumble upon a sealed valley Lumine did not expect, discovering something that actually might shake the young yaksha.]


The weather was rather cloudy and cool, if not a bit dull and gray that midday afternoon. Lumine, while still unwell, had regained some strength though her pace was slow. It would no doubt take them all day to reach Wanshu Inn at this slow pace. But Xiao had insisted on not going too fast lest Lumine passed out or collapsed. They had decided on the path running through Linju Pass and go report back on their discovery the other day. At present they had made it to the cliffs of Fuao Vale, Lumine being out of breath and tiring, easily forcing them to take a break.

Lumine really did look unwell if not a bit green and just tired where she sat on the nearby rock. She wouldn't openly admit it but, just making it here at been difficult when usually she never struggled with such physical activities like climbing or hiking. Baizhu was probably still running tests on her blood back at his office figuring out what might be the complete picture of what was wrong with her.

"Again? You're out of breath already!?"huffed Paimon in frustration.

"Paimon! I have no patience for you right now so watch it."snapped Lumine, making the fairy flinch.

"Ok, ok no need to bite Paimon's head off...Geez...so moody."sighed Paimon putting her hands up in surrender. Was it her condition or something else? The fairy wasn't sure. She just knew a moody, cranky Traveler was scary.

Xiao though seemed distant and distracted by something he was noticing in the area. His sharp, piercing gaze focused and his mind elsewhere. Actually Lumine could feel his restlessness and anxiety. "Xiao something wrong?"the concerned curiosity dragged him out of his focus. The young yaksha turned his gaze briefly over his shoulder before turning it back towards the source of interest.

"What's got you so distracted?"Paimon asked.

"I am not certain but I could sense something familiar."Xiao stated not taking his gaze off one particular cliff with massive pillars rich in geo crystal ore.

Lumine slowly heaved herself up to her feet from her resting spot going over to gently take his hand from behind as she usually did. Give it a slight squeeze in her usual quiet promise, one he returned in kind as she spoke, "Lets go look. I can see you want to so let's go."

"Are you sure that's a good idea in your condition, Lumine?"pointed out Paimon.

"She has a point...You should be taking it easy and resting."agreed Xiao in concern.

"I'll be alright and I won't push myself more than my current limits allow. You clearly want to pursue this so don't let me stop you."Lumine urged with determination burning in her bright honey amber eyes. Finally Xiao gave a soft nod, quick to scoop her up in one arm. Lumine quickly understood what he intended to do and held on tight.

"Ready?"Lumine nodded. "Then don't let go."

With a sound that was akin to a mix of a startled squeak and a giggle from the blonde, he bolted off bouncing off the jagged rocks just like the day he had first caught Lumine during the confrontation against Osial last year. "How time flies." were their shared thoughts of nostalgia. It seemed like yesterday they had only just had that fateful encounter at Wanshu Inn. So much had happened and transpired. But what they wondered now as Xiao set Lumine down was the small cavern they entered with care. Doors all too familiar to the girls' eyes lay before them sealing off whatever lay ahead.

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