Do Heavenly Birds Purr?

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A/N: Wow I can find fanart for even this? lmao! We enter the final arc, this one is quite short actually. But as usual new opening song and it's the final one for this season, the "Chronos Eclipse Arc". With the arrival of December, Xiaolumi spend some much needed time alone as Lumine finally reveals the new teapot layout. Lumine struggles to get some sleep that night, so Xiao decides to assist.

Lumine's Progress: Lumine's now nearing the end 3rd trimester and is in week 37(Dec 14 - Dec 20; 9 months) and is due any week now since she's due January 10th. 

PS, special teaser treat at end of chapter of older Nalini~!


The second trimester had left just as fast as it had gone. In September they spent most of it home at Dahri Ruins at their camp, Xiao feeling the full pull of that hunter's moon. So they mostly just spent it having some fun, taking advantage of the fact both herself and her brave bird yaksha were just bundles of unstable hormones. Now their soul bond was much stronger then it was then when they last placed it. Nahida's information for a while gave them lots to think about and untangle. It had taken Xiao and Nahida such a long time to calm his distressed mate after the news about her brother. Poor Lumine had been so confused and upset, still hurt mentally from their last encounter but eventually she did calm down.

With the arrival of October came Sumeru's harvest festival and it was celebrated with much vigor by the nation. But for Lumine it marked the start of her final trimester and her anxiety was growing again. Xiao was also very anxious and he kept vanishing places all around Sumeru....doing what? She had no clue. But when he was gone Lumine loved spending time at the greenhouse with Tighnari, just enjoying the hanging gardens and his botany lessons as they strolled around. October also brought an unexpected letter from Monstandt written by the knights with some surprising information: the Fatui Harbinger Capitano was dispatched for Natlan. But also just wishing her and Xiao well and that the couple were in their thoughts. During the Sumeru harvest festival though, Xiao and Luminne just enjoyed themselves with everyone and Nahida.

Then came November which was rather peaceful and uneventful...Thank the Celestial Atlas for that. The only exception was the letters they had gotten from their friends in Inazuma and Liyue, sending such thoughtful gifts. They even got a letter from Dehya letting them know she was alive and doing fine and should be back in Sumeru next spring. But then came December 7, ushering in her 36th week. Lumine and Xiao had been very surprised when their Sumerian friends had thrown a baby shower, with cake and everything!! So many thoughtful and useful gifts had been given. From means to help carry the twins to swaddling and receiving blankets and even toys and clothes. But her favorite had to be the adorable toy plush aranara from Nahida and the tiny black jackal plush that gave a soft bell-like jingle sound from Cyno. Lumine guessed the jackal dog plush rattle was for Bakari while the cat one was for Nalini.

But that was last week as Lumine had finally allowed Xiao to see the overhaul she had worked so hard on with a lot of help. Xiao had been astonished at the Sumerian dream-like realm abode that had been created with such tender love and care. Massive lotus flowers on huge vines and leaves tangled together to make a beautiful cross between jungles of Sumeru and the lush mountain bamboo forests of Liyue. The highest platform had a massive treehouse cradled around trees and flora. A lone garden oasis complete with a gazebo by a lotus pond has a guzzling, humming fountain nearby. A cobblestone path leading to the garden then to the house and all the way to the gate with the lion dog statues. There was a beautiful hanging garden area complete with crafting and outdoor smithy. Then further ahead on the next isle was a more desert ruins or village area for training and entertaining. 

The view on the treehouse balcony was beautiful in the sunset, quickly becoming Xiao's favorite new spot to perch and just sit and watch the tranquility. The treehouse manor was just as beautiful, the livingroom study being simple but had a beautiful and huge aquarium full of exotic and rare species that had Tighnari's eyes twinkling in delight. A small library study had been created in one room. A small and humble kitchen in the next room over. Then came the upper floor which had Lumine the most excited as she giggled dragging him up the stairs.

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