Unexpected Encounters

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[A/N: I'm back~! So let me offer a warm welcome back to everyone as we start a new Arc, the Phantom Orchid Arc/Yaksha Archon Quest and a new song to open it. After a chain of events Lumine briefly gets separated from her husband in the Chasm. Worried, she seeks for a way to get back to him but she does not expect to run into a two familiar faces and a few new ones in the process...]


The Night Before...

Pitter patter.

Pitter patter.

Softly fell the rain as the lone Liyuelite style man drawn carriage slowed to a halt. "Alright ma'am we're here."stated the driver as he came to a stop in the town square's market. A beautiful and petite woman stepped out with umbrella in hand as she handed the man his payment. "Thank you kindly."she stated smoothly. Her dark navy blue hair was done in an uneven bob cut while her coat rested snuggly around her shoulders. A choker with a single die around her neck and a tight fitting outfit dark in hue. Eyes, sly like a weasel were sharp and teal in color. The rain falling steadily as she entered the teahouse.

"Welcome back Madam Yelan. Shall I set a table aside for you?"asked the clerk that welcomed her.

"If you don't mind."she agreed hand to her hip as she set her umbrella side. The clerk nodding and gestured for his employer to follow to a random spot in the back by a window. Refreshments quickly offered as she took a seat. Her sharp ears listening in on the excited and gambling crowd.

"So you won't believe this I hear rumors that the Traveler hasn't been taking any jobs lately."stated a young merchant in Fontaine attire tossing some dice. This caught the woman's attention as she began to listen in, pretending to not notice. "The Traveler? Now this is intriguing information. Wonder if it has anything to do with what has Ningguang and Ganyu worried?"the bluette thought taking a sip of her wine.

"The Traveler? As in the Honorary knight!? That blonde really good looking and feisty woman that married that yaksha back in spring?"asked the next man, middle aged and of Monstandt decent looking over his cards. 

"Yes, I actually hear she's been seeing Dr.Baizhu quite regularly. A friend of mine that's a nurse there says she's being closely monitored and treated for something. No clue what, though. my friend wouldn't tell me much, saying it was a hush order."

The bluette began to become far more intrigued the more she listened in on these clueless blabbermouths. Making a mental note she'd need to notify of nurse that had just broken a gag order contract agreement about patients. But being the sly woman she was she was beginning to connect the dots. Firstly it was this Traveler, Lumine was married to the last yaksha in Liyue. Secondly the information she had connected meant one of two things. The famous blonde had been put on recovery leave or...Yes that second option seemed far more likely. "I wonder what information you can give me, Lady Lumine and I look forward to meeting you and the Lord Yaksha."she thought with a sly grin. Yes she was looking forward to this, excited even. Careful she got up from her seat and walked over. 

"Have room for one more player? I'd like to hear more of this famous Traveler, boys."


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