Old Tales

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A/N(October 2022): 2 chapters were combined for your enjoyment.

[A/N: Mother's Day special chapter for you guys. With their trip to Sumeru not far away, preparations continue but with his wife's morning sickness being particularly bad today, he suggests she stay with Shenhe and Cloud Retainer today. Lumine's now in week 8 and until we learn Ganyu's mom's name i'm calling her Luli, meaning "Dewy jasmine" in Chinese~! :D]


The soft song of tiny finches, and the sharper cries of the mountain hawks soaring high above through the mountainous sacred grounds of the adepti was always a brilliant sight. The shimmer on the water of the tranquil pond on top of one particular mountain range was like a shimmering gem. A rustle of brush as stray golden feathers got cast to the wind as the lone yaksha landed, setting the blonde in his arms carefully down onto her feet. She looked unsteady and bit pale as the two familiar faces came out from the abode's cave entrance they had stopped at. Lumine, while looking tired and under the weather this week, gave a smile in greeting.

"You sure you don't want me to stay with you today?"Xiao asked in worry.

"Your mate will be safe here, one need not worry young yaksha."assured Cloud Retainer as she walked over.

"Master's right no harm will come to Lumine here while your away handling matters. Besides, I've been looking forward to seeing my friend here again."Shenhe assured me as well. Lumine giggled as Xiao held her close.

"I'll be fine, you act like I'm made of glass my dear. Baizhu even said the baby's fine at my last exam."Lumine grinned. Xiao seemed so reluctant and concerned right now. "If anything is wrong, me or Shenhe will call for you."

"Quit being such a clingy worrywort already, Xiao."agreed Paimon not far away. "Besides Paimon thought you had to go see Zhongli about something or whatever?"

"Alright."Xiao slowly began to leave but not without stealing a look behind him. The girls watched as he soon vanished in a dark wisp of mist. Shenhe with Paimon and Cloud Retainer turning their attention to Lumine who indeed looked very green and ill. Shenhe quickly guides her friend over to the stone table to get her to sit down in the seat the used to belong to the late goddess of dust.

"You ok, Lumine? Does Paimon need to go get a bucket or something?"Paimon threatened in worry, floating nearby. Lumine just slowly shook her head as she laid her head on her arms on the table. A soft glow not far away signaling Cloud Retainer had shifted out of her true form into her human one. The sound of a brass tea kettle and some cups being placed on the stone surface.

"This pregnancy hasn't been kind to you, has it, Traveler?"questioned Shenhe, taking a seat beside her friend.

"No, it's been a bit rough. Baizhu's medicine and the altered diet is helping...but today's been really bad."Lumine admitted with a groan. Lumine then grew curious at seeing the cup of what seemed to be tea placed in front of her by Cloud Retainer. "What's this?"

"Looks like tea, actually Paimon thinks it looks yummy~!"noted Paimon in interest.

"I can smell various herbs including ginger, mint, and even sunsetta fruit."observed Shenhe as she caught the subtle scent of the warm tea.

"It's a medicinal tea that will soothe one's stomach. One used to make this for Ganyu's mother while she too was blessed with life's little miracles."Cloud Retainer informed setting the kettle aside. Not long after setting some kind of soup onto the table that instantly made Lumine's eyes grow wide and nostalgic. The zesty smell of lemon and chicken orzo soup. "The soup mom used to make when Aether and I were little!"she thought in delight. The scent wasn't upsetting her like many of the smells from town would. While many of her memories were fuzzy, this was one memory she never would forget: being given this particular soup while sick or upset as her mother told stories and ballads.

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