Song of The World

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[A/N: The next day Xinyan's mirage appears, bringing her past along with it too. Xinyan preforms as the very land sings its joy, unaware the song it sings leaves them baffled as Xinyan preforms along to it's melody. Due to the nature of this chapter it takes place towards the end of her domain quest. PS, I wonder if you guys have figured out the Skoll and Hati clue yet? ehe~! Cause another is dropping this chapter. The song Xinyan sings and plays along to can be found above~.]

A/N: Xinyan's musical spirit was so OP she too changed the page divider!! Lyrics are "Running with the wolves" by Aurora.


The gentle lull of the waves on the seashore that night as the sky overhead in mixed hues like a painting glittered with stars. The haunting melody as wolves howled, sending a chill up a certain astrologist's spine, startling her awake. A strange flash of light poked out of the tent as she quietly crawled out to find a thick fog bank rolling into the camp. Overhead the moon being devoured and dyed red as blood. "What in the archons?"

Frantically she brought out her scry glass but it was just as foggy and cloudy as when she had tried looking at Lumine's Constellation. Actually it was still murky due to these mirages. In the distance flickering in and out existence a shining golden and white temple shrouded in jungle. Two phantom beasts racing across the foggy ocean, the sound of howling melody in some ancient song. Eyes glowing a brilliant amber with cat-like pupils. The phantasm of a mirage stepping out of the fog as it ruffled truly gorgeous pale silvery white wings tinged with astral blue that gleamed like starlight. An odd celestial ring floating around its neck as adeptus marks glowed blue and gold in the moonlight. Each step left ripples of hydro as it kept its head low, its body like mist.

Then from behind Mona was startled as the sky turned half day, the sun a brilliant blinding blaze as a second of this wolf-like creature came out. This phantom is like a walking body of sparking and sizzling smoke from a fire, eyes as intense as the sun and wings as black as coal with red tinges to its feathers. Gold and vermillion adeptus markings covered its phantom body and had an identical ring of gold floating around its neck. She honestly felt nervous as the two wolves circled her as the smokey wolf's steps seemed to burn the very ground under its paws while the beautiful pale foggy one soaked the earth. But as quickly as these two illusions had appeared they vanished along with the unstable mirage, a melody in a haunting chorus rang around her just as Xiao came out just in time to witness the illusion of the two beasts flying into the heavens...

There is nowhere for you to hide
The hunter's moon is shining...

"W-What was that!?"Mona yelped in fright as above two constellations shone brilliantly as the sun began to rise.

"If I have to guess, we just witnessed mine or Lumine's illusion....Or..."hummed Xiao, turning his gaze to the fading stars giving way to dawn. Was it possible? Were the little ones developed enough they could somewhat dream, if only primitively? Had those mirages been in fact the true forms or a mere representation of his unborn offspring? He was not sure. But the wings on those wolf illusions came damn close to his own wings with differences. "I'll have to talk with Lumine about this later."he thought closing his eyes briefly. Not long after opening them with a sigh, "You know what, pay it no mind."

"Oh alright. Hm?"Mona sighed before noticing as the rest began to stir into the waking world. The sound of Paimon's loud urging to wake poor Lumine before said fairy had a countless amount of anemo be used to blow the poor fairy out of the tent. "GET OUT OF MY TENT!! That's it's you're Paimon Roast!!"came the sharp cry of Lumine as she chased the fairy out of the tent, Mona and Xiao sweat dropping at the site as Kazuha joined them. Meanwhile they soon noticed the next island's mirage to solidify and become tangible was in fact Xinyan's own. The next investigation was about to begin.

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