Clair De Lune

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A/N: This marks the finale of the Edge of Dawn. With Bakari recovered and Lumine getting some much needed sleep,  Xiao decides to check in on Nalini and Vesperus that evening. I hope you enjoy Xiao's flute lullaby above for the twins.

A happy holidays to you all here as December arrives, have some sleepy Bakari and Nalini in their Moses basket I drew. I'll see you all after my vacation for Season 5/Book 5: Clair De Lune!! If you want to learn some fun stuff I don't cover in the series you can read the book containing Kairos's private library. I look forward to doing Xiaolumi adventures leading up to Fontaine and watching the Twin Laws grow up.


A few days had passed since the chaos of the Chronos Eclipse and all across Teyvet many were rapidly repairing the damages done. Others were startled by the discoveries they were making. All over ethereal willow-like trees with curtains of glowing soothing blossoms took root. Some appeared in the ruins of the Temple of Thousand Winds, glowing a soft shade of a rainbow golden light. In Liyue many had sprouted in Jueyan Karst, Guili Plains, and around Wanshu Inn giving off a glow of soft yellow glow of geo. The mysterious jackal-like phantoms with the same blossoms in their jet blast fur that shined like a nebula content to rest in the branches.

In Inazuma the mysterious trees had sprouted all along the shrine of Watatsumi and in the cleansing chamber that once held the key to Enkanomiya, they even began to sprout all over Tsurumi Island. In Sumeru the mysterious trees began to grow all over the once decaying land that had once been the old home of the Aranara, the rifthounds whimpering in fright as they dared not go near the trees as the falling petals felt like acid to their bones. The trees were even found across the other nations as one even began to grow in the Tsarista's royal gardens despite the ice and snow.

The people of the desert had been baffled but also overjoyed at finding Sobek Oasis had become a lush plain of savannah that could easily grow crops. Blue, green spotted large cats with peacock-like plumage covering their bodies and tails had formed prides, settling around the savannah grassland. Contently soaking up the desert sun and lightly dozing while a scholar nearby stayed hidden sketching them and taking notes. 

The same held true for the other new creatures that had been created by the birth of the twin gods of the sun and moon. Each one being dubbed with a name: the swift ghostly Sun Kitsunes, the beautiful but venomous Amazonite Jaguars, the massive feathered serpents the Pyro Archon called Quetzalcoatl, the dream—or nightmarish—Estelle Jackals, and the elusive ice-breathing Jotunheim Wyverns.

But another species, far more ancient, had surfaced to the archons' surprise. Zhongli had just been out for a walk doing an investigation of his own. That was when he had seen a small warren nestled near the tree of the king of the geo vishaps. A lone snow white rabbit with red eyes and crimson brush like markings over its body. Its little nose twitched as it just stared at him before cleaning its face and hopping back underground. 

That had been a Lunastella Hare!? The precious beloved rabbits are said to live in the lunar garden. These small, cute and fluffy creatures were one of the welkin sisters' most precious and sacred of familiars and helpers. But Zhongli thought they had vanished along with the three lunar goddesses. It made him look over up at the slowly rising sun. Things had begun to change but would humanity be ready for these new sparks of divinity? Only time would know that answer...only time.

"Sweet dreams Vesperus, and a good morning to you Solis. May your light of divinity be a ray of hope towards all on the edge of dawn."Zhongli smiled fondly, deciding to sit down beneath his old friend's tree. Just enjoying the gentle warmth of the rising winter sun.

 Just enjoying the gentle warmth of the rising winter sun

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