O Welkin Moon, Your Siren Calleth

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A/N: While Solis's birth proves smooth with the Void Serpent out of the way. Vesperus's imminent birth proves trickier as his powers and primal pull far surpass what is anticipated due to his ancient soul. But they decide to take advantage of this new gift and aggression as Lumine's labor continues. But somehow Teyvet pulls through as Chronos Eclipse ends. 

Twins fact: Enjoy the song that Bakari is singing above as that song is in fact Bakari/Vesperus's teen/adult voice <3. Bakari is the law of life and rebirth.

In endless dreams, countless realms collide

Hope falls only to rise like the changing tide

But all dreams come to an end,

Just whispers on the wind.

~"I Think of You All Alone" from FE Fates/If


He could sense it and it caused the old soul of the wolf of the north to come out into the stadium that doubled as his tomb. Frosty panting breaths as protruding fangs gleamed in the light of the perpetual twilight. The sound of snarling and joyous howls of the wolves as they felt the power course through their small bodies. The young silver haired teen that had been raised by them and taught the ways of the wolves and wolf lycan tribe skid across the ground claymore in hand. His vision of electro that had been already very bright was glowing even brighter like a roaring small flame.

"Hm? Ow Vision bright!?"he gasped in confusion.

The wolf of the north let out a grumbling bout of laughter almost in a snarl as he charged at the monsters of the void. Yes he knew this feeling, he knew it far too well. "Oh hail oh hail to the wish granting welkin! Oh hail our proud alpha lune for we are the Children of the Moon!!"he howled in joy. The wolves howled in joy, their eyes beginning to glow a golden glow as they ripped and mained the hounds of the abyss.

The ominous chorus ringing as the children of the moon, the lycanthrope race for the first time eons their blood began to answer the siren call. The feral sound of cat-like screeching of cat lycans starting to take their full beast forms echoed across Fontaine and Mondstant. The same held true as the dog lycan clan began to change as well as feral pained howls coming from Watatsumi Island. Yokai, Adepti, and even vishaps in human skin all felt the power surge and it felt primal, exhilarating as their aggression was amped up and they pointed this ferocity right at the invading hoard.

Miko, Sara, and Itto giving excited—if not even sly—grins as their bodies were covered in this influential glow. Miko before the shogunate's eyes changed into a massive pink five tailed fox. Fangs bared as lightning crackled from her tails. "Ara ara shall we do a night parade of yokai? Then come so I may show you to oblivion~!"came the kitsune's mocking laughter as she charged into the fray.

"Hey now, save some for me!"countered Itto as he charged in as well.

Raiden and Ei both felt the same rush of strength, the sound of a young boy's siren song ringing in their shared mindscape. It was a sensation like no other as she felt her electro get boosted significantly. Allowing her to make very swift and short work of the creatures. The abyss would not reach the mainland while she still stood!! All around visions of electro, hydro, and cryo grew far brighter than the rest. Meanwhile the vision of Pyro, dendro, and geo were losing their glow slowly returning to normal. Something told the electro archon this darkest day was almost done. But were the other archons experiencing this same temporary boost in power? She was not sure.

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