Peraḥ Ištar

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A/N: Nahida and Xiao enjoy a moment of quite as they prepare to confront Ei's son, revealing what happened to Xiao. They then confront Shouk; The Archons feel a shaking disturbance that rattles them to the core. Enjoy the song for Xiao. <3

"Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right."
~Ezra T. Benson

Fact & Translation: "Peraḥ Ištar" is a Semitic phrase with ancient Middle Eastern origins. It means "Bird of Ishtar".


Freeing his reborn archon had only been the first step. To say the least it was actually the easiest step as Alhaitham had put it. Cyno would have his hands full for quite awhile as he made arrest after arrest following Nahida's order. Dehya and Rahman were busy keeping the soldiers contained. Tighnari was being looked after by his robotic assistant, the good crab robot having brought him the stuff he needed. Candace was handling things with Alhaitham back in Aaru Village. And lastly Nahida was busily tinkering away some sort of device.

That's what Xiao had found her doing late that night in what seemed to be the 1st Dendro Archon's old workshop and study. It had amazed him just how fast Nahida had gravitated towards that room. To be honest when Nahida had taken him to the closest mirror he, well....he shrieked. His once ebony hair had paled considerably but those teal undertones remained on what was now slowly becoming snow white hair that gave off a soft rainbow gleam in the light. His vision had also changed color completely, showing the forgotten light element within its new star shaped casing. Before he knew it though he had found himself at the open doors of Nahida's study.

"I know you're there, I can hear your jumped thoughts a mile away Alatus. Come on in."giggled Nahida looking over the almost finished weird rabbit-like device. Not wanting to offend her, Xiao walked in and leaned against the wall not far away. "You over the shock yet of your appearance?"

"Honestly? I'm still a bit shaken. I'm not sure what happened back there to me while breaking your barriers."he admitted.

"It's ok to be surprised and confused. But you're in a fragile and very dangerous part of your ascension now. You have more in common with humans than you did before so I'm unsure how that'll affect you in your cocoon state."hummed Nahida, tinkering away at some gears inside the device. However Alaus still seemed very confused and she could detect the scent of fear mixed with his chaotic thoughts. "You are and always will be of our yaksha race. We're nature spirits, that part won't go away just cause you are going through the real ascension. But you're stuck in a middle stage of not quite a primordial god and not quite an elemental being anymore."

"What do you mean?"blinked Xiao.

"Hmm, how should I put it? You're like a bird about to leave the nest, your wings have gotten rid of your baby down, but you're not strong enough to fly yet. During the first chorus you were just a baby bird that only just hatched but now you're getting ready to leave that nest that teacher cradled you in. Do you understand?"Nahida received a nod and a light of understanding making her smile. "Good, seems you do. I'm almost finished so we'll get going immediately once I'm done working out the finer details on this."

"I'll be ready. But lady Buer, please remember to eat, you were sealed for five hundred years in that cage and aren't quite recovered...D-Don't push yourself."advised Xiao as he let himself sit down. Watching her work he found he was not able to stay awake as easily as he used to. He felt so tired and it showed as he drifted off to sleep then and there.

"Don't worry I won'" Nahida glanced over for a moment before setting her wrench down and crawled over to up at him with curious eyes. Strange twisting markings of gold spreading across his neck like vines. Were these his adeptus marks from when he served the Geo Archon? They were so pretty, like swirls of gold wind rimmed in red. What kind of dreams was he having? Part of her wanted to see but she knew now was not the time. So quickly and with determination she got back to work while she let him rest.

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