The Abyss Stares Back

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[A/N: Xao has returned to them injured. Xiaolumi with help with everyone discover an odd place with compass. But this domain, cruel and twisted may have other plans as dangers prowl.]


Evening sky painted with countless pastel hues of pinks and golds but it seemed far more ominous. It almost looked red as blood this sunset as the ombre haired consultant left for home. He was currently enjoying his vacation and traveling wherever him whims took him. It had been a full day since Lumine and Xiao had left for the Chasm to investigate Bosacius. They should be able to handle this fine....right? He couldn't shake this sense of foreboding by the time he reached his home. The sky by now blanketed in stars and the rising moon glistened bright.

Wait the moon was bright!?

That shouldn't be happening right now not with the deities that embodied the moon being long dead and forgotten. A thick mist began to surround the area accompanied by the flap of massive bird wings. the distinct glow of a yaksha mask, blue in hue as a boy of about 5'3F in height made himself known. Zhongli keeping his guard up just in case this lone yaksha posed a threat. His pale blonde hair swayed in a loose low hanging ponytail over his shoulder, pale blue undertones and two vermillion gold feather ornaments tucked just behind his ear. His clothes a clear mix of Sumerian and Liyuelite in design in hues of black, white, blue, and gold. Slowly he removed his mask that bore a resemblance of a snarling beast to show a sixteen year old boy, his facial feature fair. But it was his eyes that gave away suspicion to surprise.

"Hello, grandfather Morax."The boy's voice was smooth as silkflower petals and soft as falling rain. But he looked so sad and lost, broken even just like those he had failed, his smile not even reaching his ears. 

"Who are you..?"Zhongli whispered. He had an idea who this boy was but he needed to hear it himself.

"My name matters little, but if you don't hurry to the Chasm my father will perish today."Zhongli's eyes turned wide in horror realizing who stood before him. 

" me right the wrong in this timeline that never should have happened, save my father, save General Alatus!!"the boy pleaded. Zhongli need no more persuasion as he hurried off with the boy he had no doubt was the unborn child from the future. But whatever happened, that timeline this boy came from had been all too clearly tragic and bleak. "I won't fail this time. I failed Indarias, Bonanus, Menogias, Bosacius, and Guizhong...I'm not failing you too!!"he thought picking up the pace. The duo vanishing into the night as the boy told him what was about to transpire.

 The duo vanishing into the night as the boy told him what was about to transpire

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Slowly and carefully Yanfei and Lumine helped Xiao into the camp. With a pain grunt he was eased down so he could sit down and rest. Lumine fast to dive into her dimensional storage, pulling out the first aid bag. "...Now we can avoid getting split up."he gasped at feeling the sting from Lumine cleaning the wounds. Damn it hurt almost as much as taking the electro archon's thunderous strikes. Lumine's touch across the wisping energy on the cut of his cheek being devoured by Lumine's very faint golden energy.

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