The Yaksha King

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A/N: As his wife and Sumeru sleeps after the ordeals and traumas with the Akasha Samsara, Xiao decides to crash in on the Great Sages. Enjoy the song for Xiao, whom has come so far in these seasons. This concludes the "Morn of Roses" Arc, I'll see yeah guys in a few days for the "Sands of Deshret" Arc.


The soft rap tap tap of foot falls against the marble tile floors of the pristine halls of the esteemed Akademiya. The soft candlelight and glow of the lanterns as the moon cast an ominous pale blue moonlight. Dark shadows like deceptive serpents as curtains swayed and the painted glass windows painted some rooms in faint hues. A streak of a dark mist as something appeared into the eerily quiet library. Feathers like a soft rain radiating with a strange energy as the sound of massive wings echoed through the library.

"Are you sure you heard something?"came the sound of somebody approaching from below. The hidden shadowy figure vanishes again in a dark mist only to reappear on top of the massive bookcases. Eyes of gold, piercing and fierce like a hawk yet gleamed like a tiger's eyes in the darkness. Green markings across his arm giving a fainter glow. "Yes I am sure I heard something but it makes no sense. All the students should be in their dorms for the night."said the other. More of the sages came out from the elevator before the watchful predatory gaze that made the humans below nervous and anxious.

"Ubi est Deus tuus(Where is your god)?"growled the intruder as to their horror the precious books and countless scrolls had been slashed and destroyed. The words were in the Old Teyvetian tongue and spoken with such fluency. Another flap of wings as more books and records were destroyed to the sages' horror. Some of them even screaming in such a way you'd think they had found a murder scene.

"The records!"

"All that knowledge, no!!"

"Find him, find that desecrator!!"snapped the Grand Sage, Azar. They did know what to make of this as before his sight a golden vermillion feather fell like a leaf in front of him. "Feathers?"

"Et silvam numquam obliviscitur(The forest never forgets)!!"came the furious cry as another bookcase was destroyed. This time the figure making itself known as it slowly stood up. A noe mask glowing with anemo energy on the intruder's face. A pair of brilliant and truly gorgeous wings as the clouds parted to reveal the petite young male. Long flowing ancient robes of a Sumerian nomadic race and a polearm of beautiful and high quality jade. Short silky ebony hair with teal undertones that shone vermillion in the light of the moon. The treacherous black and green energy, he radiated like a fire as he knocked the sages out flat onto their backs and out cold that were closest to him. Some actually driven mad with karmic corruption just being near this man which sealed their fate into a tragic one. The man did not hesitate to slay the corrupted humans where they fell or stood.

"Ignorant. Foolish."he hissed as he slowly looked towards the cowering sages.

"Wh-Who are you and how dare you do this to our records!?"demanded one of the sages.

"How dare I? That is my question, human. Know your place and to whom you speak to!! And show the required respect demanded of my status, disrespectful mortal."he spat as he advanced towards them as they tried to escape. But the intruder was far faster and easily sent them flying across the room causing books and scrolls to fall. The Grand Sage freezing in place as he realized what or rather who stood before them. "You are one of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's guardian familiars, the guardian forest spirits. Oh praise it be, have you come to help us revive her?"Azar inquired with hope in his eyes. But it had the opposite effect as the young yaksha removed his mask to reveal his furious but beautiful and fair face. It was a quiet kind of rage as he began to leak a killer intent so intense it left the remaining sages either passed out or soiling themselves.

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