You Will Never Take Her!!

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A/N: Wait, wait Dottore lets talk about this!!! No need for any weird mad scientist stuff---EEEEIIIIEEEIIIKKKKK!? *inhuman horror movie scream* Oh um, did I say we wouldn't see the twins again until they were born? Change of plans a tiny bit. Twins aren't done flexing with Nahida yet~! Hehehehehe~!

You push me 'til I break
And the anger turns to rage
Why can't you just leave me alone?
Got your finger on the trigger
You think that you're the winner?
But you're gonna get kicked off of your throne

~"Circus For A Psycho" by Skillet

Contains scenes and mentions of human experimentations, mentions of attempted murder, mentions of abuse, mentions of slavery, mentions of gaslighting, trauma 


It was quiet.

Too quiet.

Not the scurry of a rodent, the shuffle of paws, no sounds of the nocturnal jungle chorus Xiao was so familiar with and Lumine had grown to know. Not even the sights of Ermites and merchants or the odd student hitting the tavern for a late night drink. The flicker of the street lamps now did not seem so friendly to Lumine and Nahida as they stuck close on either side of Xiao. For now his wings were gone to provide easier stealth as he firmly clutched his spear as his golden eyes reflected the half moon above in the shadows. Paimon naive as can be still thought the Dendro archon and her two companions were being too paranoid.

But experience had been their teachers and trust was not something that came easy for the two goddesses and yaksha. Lumine had been betrayed and stabbed in the back too many times. Xiao faired no better having been rejected and abandoned at birth to be raised by Indarias and the others then the horrible trauma of the slaver and slavery. Nahida's problem was more mental than it was physical, suffering abuse by her own sages — neglected and rejected. Treated lower than the earth they walked upon.

So yes they knew far too well that something was not right as they quietly and quickly followed Xiao towards the Akademiya's gates. They needed that proof from Setaria on the sages as she had promised. But the closer they got the more anxious Lumine felt Xiao get as his temper began to fizzle and kindle below the surface. Quick as they could they ran for the pillar to hide and steal a peak around the corner and what they saw was sending sirens off in the bird yaksha's head and even nervous Lumine as they slowly came out. "This doesn't feel right. Why are all these people here waving and cheering like this?"she heard Paimon ask nervously. Was it instinct or something deeper? Lumine was not sure as the air along her neck began to stand as she looked around like a cornered hare. It was only confirmed as she felt two consciousnesses that shouldn't be stirring begin to stir. Visions flashing in her mind of a masked man with silverish blue hair and the sound of snarling wolves snapping their teeth.

"Mad human!"

"Evil human!"

Came the snapping growls in her mind as the sight made her increasingly nervous. Making her grab Xiao's arm with trembling hands. "Xiao we need to —!?" The gesture, her cracking tone, the acidic smell of her fear. Realization creeping in as he remembered his own encounter as a chillingly familiar voice greeted their ears, "Ah, the triumphant heroine returns at last and to a rather specular welcome, don't you agree Ma chère Traveler?" The man was lean and tall in stature with wavy silver blue hair and a strange plague mask over his white coat with the black feather. His clothes were surprisingly clean and proper, almost like a businessman of noble standing. Bits of his trinkets gave off a hydro or maybe a cryo colored glow, they weren't entirely sure. But the sight of Xiao grabbed his terrified mate as he fought the urge to lash out at the man approaching. Lumine was trembling....unable to look away as memories from last year raced through her skull.

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