Stare Into The Abyss

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[A/N: After a turn of events, Lumine and Co search for Xiao but soon encounter a strange door that reveals their darkest fears....]

"Stare into the abyss, and the abyss stares back at you."

~Friedrich Neitzsche


Well that could have gone better....a lot better. That domain ruins had been not only brutal but had also made for one heck of an annoyance. It had just straight up looped right back to where they had all started. Itto had been impressed by the domain but it was nothing new to Lumine let alone Yanfei and Yelan. As expected though there had been a few times inside that domain Lumine was forced to stand her ground with everyone, though she was thankful Yanfei's shield was able to keep her from the monsters. Xiao had also not heard her calls for him to come back. "...What could it mean? I don't like this one bit. This cavern, that domain is as if it's alive like some carnivorous plant...and we're the prey."Lumine thought with growing concern. It was not like her husband to not rush to her side when called. But she could feel him, sense him but it felt...distant and distorted. Almost as if she was walking in the thick fog of Tsurumi island.

With nothing else to do other than wait and think, Lumine went over to sit by the fire over on a nearby rock. Minutes ticked into hours and hours as it did Lumine noticed time seemed to pass weirdly as she pulled out a pocket watch, blue and trimmed in gold in hue. What was even more odd was she was for the first time in months not feeling exhaustion or ill or any of her symptoms. But one thing was for certain: Twenty-four hours had passed since they had fallen down here.

"Uhh...there's nothing down here for Paimon to do, so bored!"protested Paimon. "Oh Paimon, wants to just stretching her legs and running free outside in the world again..."

"Don't you mean fly?"chuckled Lumine.

"Hmph! Alrigh' 'fly free' then! Pretty much, Paimon just wants to get out of here!"huffed the celestial fairy.

"Can't believe an entire day has passed us by."sighed Lumine, closing and letting her pocket watch vanish in a ripple of starlight.

"Just a day? Nah! It feels like way more than that to Paimon. It felt like months to Paimon!"disagreed Paimon. Lumine gained a deadpanned look at the fairy.

"Paimon, if it had been months, my belly would be showing by now, you know."Lumine was swift to point out crossing her arms. If it really had been months she'd be close to her third trimester by now and most definitely wouldn't have her flat belly. Actually Lumine was starting to notice lately she was struggling with the ties on her dress. "It won't be long before I can't wear this dress...As soon as I get out I should think about getting some shopping done."Lumine thought with a frown. She wasn't showing yet but it wouldn't be long now with this being her ninth week. Baizhu had said most started showing by the time the second trimester started. Though if it was twins she might start showing a bit sooner. This made Lumine on reflex turn her gaze to her belly. Honestly the fact she was going to be a mother was still sinking in and admittedly still scary but now it was also exciting.But it made her resolve to want to get out of here even stronger.

"Ok, maybe not months but you get Paimon's point."sighed Paimon.

"Yo yo~! We heard you chatting over here."greeted Itto as he and Shinobu and Yanfei came over.

"Oh hey Bull-chucker."sighed Paimon in annoyance.

"How are you fairing, Lumine-san?"Shinobu asked, earning a smile from the blonde.

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