Wanna Make A Bet?

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[A/N: Yelan quest was too good to be a single chapter...so, two parter~! Yelan and Lumine follow after the candidate but soon discover the Fatui are trying to sink their fangs into the Qixing; Xiao's fever sadly persists, meanwhile...]


Documents, after documents...That's what Lumine had been reading and reviewing with Yelan for the last hour and a half. Each pile taller than last that they went through and covered various topics. The first one was Mingbo's manifesto which seemed to focus on domestic and civil issues: Housing, farming, improvements to healthcare, business policy improvements, education, and so on. Then came Zhiyi's manifesto submission which covered finance, domestic & foreign affairs, and a wide range of topics with very clear solutions. Actually, Lumine was rather impressed with Zhiyi's submission as she finished skimming through it since it was so damn thick. She then reached out to skim and grab the final one submitted by Qianwei. This one wasn't so thick but was thorough and targeted key commercial issues, making him come off as a "By the book" sort of individual.

"Finished huh? So what did you think, Lumine?

"Finally finished."Lumined sighed in relief as Yelan set a cup of warm ginger tea in front of her. Something she was more than happy to accept as she took some sips.

"Paimon thinks she lost some brain juice reading Zhiyi's documents..."huffed Paimon with a sigh. "But everyone took it very seriously."

"Agreed. It was a lot to take in but I understood their aims for the most part."nodded Lumine before taking another sip, a look of relief on her face as the soothing ginger settled down her stomach.

"Of course they did, they've got the chance to be picked as the next Tianshu after all. So you can bet they are all putting their best foot forward, so keep in mind that whomever gets in has to execute their plans as-written here. Nobody wants to have regrets."Yelan explained, crossing her arms as she took a seat beside Lumine.

"What did you think though, Yelan?"wondered Lumine, setting her cup aside. Yelan simply just got a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she giggled. So Lumine didn't bother to press further as Yelan told the secretary to bring in the candidates for the next part of the assessment. The first one brought in was that smug and arrogant man, who was revealed to be Qianwi. Lumine remained calm as she politely crossed her ankles and rested her arms in her lap. "Oh great, yay i love dealing with the arrogant ones..."she thought sarcastically, just barely managing to keep a straight face.

"So you two are the assessment officers are you?"huffed Qianwi, not looking impressed. Lumine is now already not too fond of this man's...hm...lacking personality. "I'd assume given the importance of the situation, that Lady Ningguang herself would perhaps be assessing us in person. I certainly hadn't imagined I'd be seeing two unfamiliar faces."

"Lady Ningguang is currently busy as is Lady Keqing and Lady Ganyu, Mr.Qianwi."Yelan informed calmly. "So myself and my companion here will have to suffice."

"Hmph...Very well. I trust you have read through my manifesto? I'd be more than happy to clarify any details you don't understand — It was written with an expert audience in mind after all."retorted Qianwi.

"Mind your tone mister!!"hissed Paimon in an attempt to jump to Yelan and Lumine's defense.

"Relax, it wasn't intended to be slight on anyone in particular. I was only stating the facts."Qianwi dismissed.

Lumine was only smiling in amusement as she brought her hand up to rest her cheek against. The way Lumine was sitting now, that was no posture of a commoner, but more like a deity on a throne. The air given off from could easily rival the archons. Yelan was even taken aback at the amused, sly grin across her face now. "Almost as frightening an aura as the Tsarista and the late Morax...just who or rather what are you Lumine?"Yelan thought. The Liyue agent's interest and awe grew by the minute.

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