The Missing Keepers

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A/N: Dawn arrives as the storm ceases. Candace reveals the mad scholars one by one are vanishing without a trace. Xiaolumi along with everyone begin the search, meeting a small child.

Lumine's Progress: Lumine is officially 14 weeks(Jul 6 - Jul 12), and thus is 4 months pregnant and in her 2nd Trimester!! She'll really start beginning to show within the coming weeks and as such she no longer can defend herself effectively once around 15 weeks mark.  We're almost there folks, since we're 4/9 months so...YAY!!! The "Nesting" as Xiao calls it will begin to start, you'll get to see some very cute and maybe funny moments soon~! But towards enemies I'd hate to be them right now cause Xiao's now at the point he may very well kill any enemy that tries to lay a finger on her.


The dawn of that July morning was cast in a cloud of choking dust as the sandstorm began to finally die down. Nervous and cautious creatures poked out from their shelters as the dust began to settle back on the ground. What had been a howling gale was now a dry puff of breeze blowing tumbleweeds away as the geo scarabs scurried out of the dark crevices to roll away balls of sand while vultures took to the sky after ruffling their feathers free of the sand. Slowly windows were opened across the village to check if the storm had passed.

Inside the house of the village chief Alhaitham was the first to awaken and take in the situation. Sleeping in a chair snoring away was Dehya while against the wall sleeping lightly was Cyno hunched on the floor. Paimon was sleeping on the floor mumbling about food in her sleep. Lumine meanwhile was sleeping pretty deeply on the couch, peaceful and content though she seemed to stir looking uncomfortable. Looking around he couldn't see Xiao anywhere...had he been out in the storm with Candace all night? That seemed to be the only logical explanation. Xiao's race was super territorial and aggressive, especially of their yakshini females. "For him to leave there are only two logical reasons, the nesting has started driving him to hunt or there was a threat in that sandstorm."he thought as he quietly walked over and bent down. Reaching out to check her pulse. Only to feel a swift and firm hand snatch his wrist.

"What do you think you're doing, Alhaitham to Lumine?"came Cyno's frigid tone. "Alatus won't take kindly to you touching his wife at this stage."he warned, keeping his voice down. Last thing he wanted was to disturb the girls, especially after the shit the poor blonde had been through. He also rather not face the wrath of one emotionally unstable Traveler.

"I'm just doing what I was offered and was agreed to do when I ran into them back at the Wall of Samiel. The yaksha chief wanted assurance and evidence that their condition is stable."Alhaitham quietly assured, taking back his hand. "It's July 6th, she needs this exam. I will not do anything to harm them, it would not be logical."

"....Very well but I'm watching you. But don't wake her or you'll never hear the end of it. Alatus told me she's not a morning person."Cyno warned as he went over to lean against the wall crossing his arms. He watched with careful eyes as Alhaitham gently and carefully coaxed her to lie on her side facing him. That seemed to ease her discomfort as she mumbled but didn't wake. Taking his fingers to her pulse as his personal device began to scan her body.

"Good, the pulse has gone down and steadied to an average pace of 79.3 BPM. Mental and physical vitals still recovering, vitals of both fetuses slightly elevated due to remaining stress hormones in the bloodstream, further rest is advised. Strong traces of Hydro and Pyro resonance residing within the fetuses.''echoed the strange robotic voice of the device over Alhaitham's ear. The sound unfortunately was enough to wake Dehya and Paimon and yet Lumine just let out a sleepy and annoyed grumble as she tried to roll over. Only for Alhaitham to stop her and hold her firmly and carefully in place as felt around her stomach. Despite the stress it seemed the twins were developing nicely. She was definitely starting to develop that round belly which would be noticeable in a few weeks. It was early still but the way he felt it she would be carrying low. Satisfied, Alhaitham pulled the covers back over her shoulder.

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