Memories Turn Into Daydreams

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[A/N: A strange turn of events causes the skies to darken in blood red briefly, strange mirages appearing on the islands. Kazuha's mirage appears, bringing with it his deepest desire and his past that lead to him to eventually meet Xiaolumi. Enjoy the song for Kazuha and his past btw~! Oh before I forget, I am sure you saw the trailer of Sumeru preview 3 so...Where do you think Xiao would take Lumine in Sumeru as the land has changed A LOT in 1500 years? Desert or jungle? I want to hear what you guys think.]

A/N: lmao Kazuha's mirage is so strong he changed the page divider for his chapter XD


This just got bizarre.

It had been one thing after another: Talking boat, talking squirrels, sky going red as blood, the sun and moon being out at the same time, the sound of howling wolves, delusional Fatui agent...The list went on. But the first mirage to manifest solidly was an island full of Inazuman maple trees. On a boulder somehow Kazuha's Clan's prized bonsai that should've been still in the police station of Inazuma's storage was here. The dead tree long since removed and gone. The instant they had touched the empty bonsai pot that had been in Kazuha's family for generations it had triggered something. A sensation almost like stepping through the countless spectral gates into the domains greeting Lumine, Xiao, Mona, Fischl, Oz, Paimon, and Xinyan.

The instant they opened their eyes, concern and confusion crossed all their faces as Kazuha was nowhere to be seen. Lumine could feel the worry coming from Xiao despite how he outwardly seemed calm. But there was a habit Lumine had grown to notice of Xiao whenever he was concerned about something. He tended to fidget growing restless. "Paimon knew it wasn't going to be that simple!"huffed the fairy floating beside Lumine as they looked around.

"It never is."sighed Xiao. "Seems we entered some kind of tangible illusionary world."

"Where's Kazuha? I can't see him with us anywhere."wondered Lumine.

"Huh?...Now that you mention it...Paimon can't see him anywhere."noticed Paimon finally. The girls and Xiao face faulting as a result.

"Really now, you're just noticing it now Paimon?"sighed Mona.

"Kazuha! Kazuha, where are you? Call out if you're ok!"called Xinyan as she began to search as their small group advanced forward.

"Hey! No need to tell Paimon that, Mona, geez...Anyways for now we should keep an eye out for him and keep moving forward."pointed out Paimon with a huff.

Fischl and Oz turned their gaze over to Xiao who seemed getting more restless. Growing worried as they watched the young yaksha pacing as they entered the next room. The decor was definitely of clan nobility within Inazuma. Scattered about, the group noticed a coat of arms of maple leaves and clashing katanas. While they talked Lumine felt a light tap from Oz's beak.

"What is it, Oz?"Lumine asked.

"Is the Lord Adeptus alright? Mein Fräulein requested I inquire as she is most concerned."questioned the electro raven familiar.

Lumine just gave a small smile of assurance as they continued on their way. Turning her eyes onto the eccentric adventurer. "Fischl, Oz don't worry about my husband. He's just worried about Kazuha. Call it intuition but I suspect he's fine."

"Worried in his dire woes of kinship of the samurai?"wondered Fischl; Lumine nodded.

"Uh huh. Kazuha and Xiao are very good friends, like you and Mona."grinned Lumine. Fischl seemed to understand instantly as her gaze went over to her mage astrologist friend. If anything happened to Mona she would be worried sick too.

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