Tears of Joy

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[N/A: Xiaolumi have been out on the sea heading for Inazuma and while it's Lumine's birthday, celebrating is not on their minds on their small boat along the way. As Xiao's violent fever rages on the couple get some alone time. Oh before I forget Lumine's now 10 weeks in, yay!!!]


"Paimon, how much further until we reach Inazuma?" The little silver haired celestial fairy looked behind her as she heard Lumine's shout. It had been a few days since they left Liyue behind them. But before they had left they had stopped to see Yelan and Uncle Tian. Uncle Tian being treated personally by Baizhu for the poison. But they had learned of the identity of the 9th Harbinger, Lord Regrater. But that was honestly the least and farthest thing on her mind even with today being June 16th....her actual birthday. "520 years, yeash. As mom used to joke, time flies."thought Lumine with a sigh carrying the basin of ice water below deck.

"Should be there by tomorrow. How's Xiao doing?"Paimon wondered.

"His fever's still really bad. You can drop anchor for a bit and eat, it's getting late. There should still be some stir-fry and dumplings left."Lumine sighed, adjusting the basin as she somehow managed to maneuver the door open. The sound of Paimon's excitement as she swiftly stopped the little boat and flipped the switch to drop anchor reaching her ears as she kicked the door closed with her heel. As Zhongli had promised, Xiao's wing had mended so he had allowed them to vanish. Slowly she went over, setting the bowl of water down on a nearby stool. Lumine takes the cloth to dunk in the cold water and wrings it out. Xiao's eyes opened blearily in a haze of fever as she reapplied it to his sweat drenched forehead. "...Lumen?"came the weak rasping cough.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"Lumine smiled tenderly.

Xiao slowly shook his head as he removed his hand out from under the sheets to cover his eyes. For the last week while his mask mended he felt like crap and it was pointless hiding this from his mate beside him. Only alone, with Lumine or Morax had he allowed himself to show weakness. Grief for Bosacius, grief for being the last of his tribe had hit a breaking point last night as he mourned Lumine had noticed. He had cried and it had taken hours for him to calm down. Nightmares had plagued him more often, made worse from the fever. Right now was no different as Xiao was breathing unevenly and rapidly as she felt his hand grab her arm.

"Another nightmare?"she whispered. No reply came as he avoided his eyes as if in shame. Only to become startled at feeling the bed move and creak as lumine climbed onto it. Moving over so she was laying beside him. "Come here."she urged. Lumine didn't have long to wait as he snuggled up to her, a rumbling purr as he heard her soft humming in his ear and the gentle motions in his hair.

"I-I'm sorry, I really am."he mumbled wrapping his arm around her.

"Are you still beating yourself up over the Chasm? I've told you, the past is in the past."she whispered. "I just want you to rest and get better."

"What I did was foolish but at the time I was desperate, I—!?"Xiao was quickly cut off by not only a severe spasm of pain from his karma but a nasty coughing fit. Lumine held him tight as they awaited it to pass.

"Shhh...I know, my brave, shh..."she soothed. Her gaze drifted over to where the mending mask lay not far away. By now only half the mask had been repaired and that had taken all week to do so. "His fever probably won't break until it's almost completely repaired. Until then, it's my turn to protect him."she thought as Xiao started to relax in her arms. A soft groan escaping him. "But you remember what I said at the shrine?"Xiao glanced up in his fevered daze. "She's not angry for that stunt?"he thought also sensing only tender affection. Taking a moment to process as he tried to recall the conversation they had before going to Liyue Harbor.

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