chapter 1:undying threat

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"Luna my precious gem." A beautiful voice echoed in a beautiful, bright place. The grass as green as life, trees whispering love songs. The sky so clear and so blue, and the flowers so beautiful and brightly colored. This place indeed like heaven. "Mommy don't go, don't leave me. . . again." The voice of a little girl said, sounding so. . .scared.
"I'v never left you. I'm always right here with you. You just need to find me within you."
The beatiful lady said starting to slowly disapear. "Mommy I'm scared please dont leave please. " The child quietly said with tears running from her eyes down her little pale cheeks. "I'm right here where your heart beats. . . "

Beep beep beep beep beep beep.
The digital alarm beeped. Luna slowly fluttered her eyes open.
She reached her hand to it turning it off "New day, new torture." She whispered to herself as she swinged her legs down from the bed and started her daily routine. She got dressed in something like this:

 She got dressed in something like this:

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Then she headed to work. As always she had this feeling. This creepy feeling of being watched. It wasn't anything new ofcourse because she started getting this geeling a few weeks ago.

Then her phone starts to ring. She takes it out of her bag and glances at the screen to see who it is. And it says 'Aunt Milly'

Ofcourse it's her cuz' a day never passes without her on my back.

" Hi aunt milly" Luna said with no feeling in her voice

"Don't 'hi aunt milly me' you little brat'. You owe me alot of money.

" Yes aunt I remember"

"Good because I want my money."

"I know aunty"

"You didn't let me finish. I want it by this weekend. "

"But its Friday. "

"Oh do you really want to argue with me? "

"No ma'am"


End of call

Why is she so heartless. Its not like I chose to have no one. I'm done for.

Well yes her name sounds so sweet. I mean you'd imagine aunt Milly as a sweet lady who makes delicious pancakes and bakes amazing chocolate chip cookies for her family. But no Luna's aunt Milly was a horrible horrible woman.

When her father left her she was only 4. Aunt Milly stayed by her sister's side, caring for her, loving her, supporting her. Well yeah she did because aunt Milly was her only family after grandma's passing. Then her mother disappeared in a car accident when she turned 6. Her mother trusted aunt Milly with her.

But Milly was wicked. She wasn't a person to trust. Milly had known that Luna's father, Lucian, had left Luna's mother, Kayla, with a whole lot of money so she wanted to get closer to her sister, so once she found a way to kill Kayla she would probably get some money. But to her surprise, Lucian's best friend who was also his lawyer,Jeff, had the money and would give half of it to Luna and only Luna when she got married and the other half would take care of things such as school, medical bills, and other things etc.

But Luna knew nothing about this. Milly blamed Luna for everything. Milly would use up all her earnings on alcohol and treated Luna no better than an unwanted dog until she moved out at age 18.

"Shit I'm late for work"
Then she quickly walked to the bus stop and went to work.

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