chapter 53: Alexander

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now I was on my knees infront of laim, the man who was now known as Vincent and didn't know that I remembered. I begged to him to let me call lex or amy or anyone, just anybody. I didn't wanna die like this.

"Please, let me call anybody" I sobbed

"You look so pathetic" he looked at me with a smirk playing on his face as he slowly tapped the black metal masked that cover the left side of his face from around his eye.

"Vincent please" I pleaded

"Lex and Felix are the ones who killed
you, they're the reason you're like this. They killed you, the same way you killed them" he chuckled darkly

"What? That's impossible. Just let me call someone, I need to make sure grandma is ok"

"Sure, I'll let you call your little side
kick, but if you try anything funny I will personally kill her myself" he threatened

"Ok, ok, just let me call her"

"Good girl"

He gave me the phone on his hand. I quickly dialed the number and waited in anticipation as the phone rung

On call


"Luna? Oh thank God, are you ok?"

"I miss you" I cried unable to help the tears running down "I miss grandma too."

"Where the fuck are you!?" Amy shouted

"Please tell her that I'll never forget the day she she made me feel so special, when we sat on the Coral bitches of Italy. And the breeze hit her wrinkly. Skin, and tell my mother that I hope that she visits the crystal caves again, Even as a ghost. I mean, helicopters eat leafy peaches. I remember how you use to love saying that"

"Luna" she whispered, voice shaking

"I love you" Vincent took the phone from my hand

"That's enough now" he smiled sarcastically

"Who was that" Amy shouted from the other side and Vincent dropped the call
good girl– the voice in my head whispered. I was beginning to like it

"Now let's get this started, shall we"
I didn't say anything and he grabbed me by the hair pushing me to the wall while pulling out the dagger strapped to his leg and stabbed it into the wall behind me before pushing me forward and walked behind me, grabbing my wrist. He pulled me up and pressed me against him, I could feel the heat radiating off his body, and his scent filled my nose
He grabbed the dagger from the wall and slid the tip of the blade down my throat before lifting it back up to my chin. His free hand gripped my hips tightly and his teeth grazed my ear

"Scream" he growled as he dug the tip of the knife into my skin. He pressed his lips against mine and a muffled scream left my mouth. He kissed me slowly, moving his lips against mine, sucking gently.

I didn't kiss back, just kept my mouth closed. His tongue slid between my lips, pushing through the resistance of my teeth.

He pushed me to the ground and blood dripped from my chin to my throat, he had grazed me with his dagger a little and I looked up at him with fear in my eyes. He smirked down at me, fixed his tie and walked out the room

Amy's pov

"What did she say" lex asked me

"Wait lemme think" I muttered as tears fell down my cheeks

I tried calling her back but she didn't answer

I was panicking. I couldn't lose Luna
"Chill, it's ok, we'll find her just tell me what she saix" lex told me

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