Chapter 20: His kitten

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"Ok fine, we can at least be friends I guess" she murmured

"So you're seriously putting me in the friend zone?" He smiled

"You're the one who said so, I just did what you said, it is my job after all" she chuckled lightly

"You're gonna drive me crazy" he chuckled back taking her hand in his as they walked to her place

They got to her doorstep and she said "bye"

"Just bye?" He questioned jokingly

"Yes, just bye" she smiled

"I was expecting something a bit. . .more, for saving your ass down there" he joked

"Oh, good bye now, my hero"
She joked.

"Seriously?" He arched a brow

"Bye, my knight in shining armer" she smiled

"How about this?" He said pulling her closer by the waist then smashing his lips on hers

She could feel all the blood in her body rushing to her face as she couldn't help the feeling she got as her heart pounded against his chest. She put her hands on his chest and slightly pushed him away from her

"Friends don't kiss" she smiled as she looked away trying to hide how red she was

"Really, then do friends blush when friends kiss them?" He smiled

"Go away" she giggled

"You see, I even make you giggle like a high schooler" he chuckled

"You're such a flirt, now leave" she lightly pushed his shoulder jokingly

"Okay okay, I'm leaving" he surrendered

Suddenly Luna received a text message from Amy saying that she's out partying and she'll be back tomorrow

Honestly speaking, ever since she started getting this weird feeling of being followed and watched, she has been afraid of being alone, and Amy was way too drunk to remember.

She looked at him as she just saw a ghost and then gave him the puppy eyes for some reason.

"Umm, so Lex. . . listen, i-i was k-kinda wondering if you had anything or anywhere to go tonight" she said, scratching her neck awkwardly

"Oh what?," Lex asked jokingly "is the princess afraid of staying alone for the night so much she needs her knight in shining armer?" He asked nonchalantly

"Kinda, please my knight in shining armer, are you gonna let your princess feel scared and alone when you're here to protect her from the evil dragons of the night?" She looked at him pleadingly with those huge eyes of her and giving him the baby doll eyes

"Oh please, I thought you said you wanted me to leave. And besides, you live here without me for like, twenty four seven" he smirked

"My friend is out getting drunk. . .and. . .I'm kinda afraid of being alone, so please. Pretty please with a cherry on top" she pleaded

"Okay, but on one condition" he smirked

"Anything" she said without having a second thought

"Give me one here" he pointed to his lip

"Fine" Luna whined hesitantly

She gave him a quick peck on the lip

"Seriously?" Lex whined

"You said one" Luna smirked as she unlocked her door "you may come in, my good sir"

"Yes I may, my beautiful madame" he smiled coming in

She walked him to the couch and they watched a movie as he put his head on her lap and ate popcorn till they fell asleep right there on the couch

By 04:00 Lex woke up as his body was already used to this. He moved his head and remembered that he was sleeping on her lap.

He wanted this moment to last forever, but unfortunately he had to head to work early. But then again he was the boss and he could come in at whatever time he wanted, but again he took his work seriously and even if he did want this moment to last he still had to work.

He cursed under his breath as he got up and looked for the kitchen. He made his kitten a full American breakfast.

He looked for her room and found it. He wandered curiously around the room and saw a mirror

It was connected to a white desk with nice shelving and various accessories . On it was hair brushes, combes, and make up brushes.

There were two books in one of the shelves, one fury and lavender purple in colour, it had Luna's name embroidered to it, and the other was fury and bright pink with the name 'Amy' embroidered in sparkles. He guessed that was Luna's best friend.

He was tempted to read Luna's diary but told himself that it was wrong.

He looked at the mirror, it had many pictures surrounding it. The pictures had her  and a pretty green eyed blondy.

He then went back to the living room and picked Luna up bridal style. He showed her with kisses all over the face and left no spot unkissed as he carries her to the bed. He put her down carefully, as if she were the most precious thing in the world and she can break anytime now.

He softly kissed her lips as looked for a pen and paper. He then left after making sure that the place was tidied up and absolutely spotless.

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