Chapter 7: the kiss

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A few days passed and the feeling of being watched still didn't go away. She thought she was just hallucinating and didn't bother telling anybody.

She did her normal routine and got dressed in something like this

She did her normal routine and got dressed in something like this

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And then she headed to work. Still that feeling was there.

So the day went by at work, like usual Mr Legend was an iceberg. He had always been the iceberg that sunk the Titanic.

After getting a few files for Lex she headed to his office and then was so shocked and confused and angry and sad and happy and many different emotions at once.

She saw her nightmare and those fun  childhood memories. She saw her one and only. . .her one and only brother, Lucas

Lucas KhaharaAge 23AssassinLuna's brother

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Lucas Khahara
Age 23
Luna's brother

She could feel the bottom of her lips trembling. Tears blurred her vision.

She picked up the files and walked to Lex's desk and put them there without looking at Lucas "Lucas this is my assistant Luna" Lex said, Lucas only smirked and Luna just rolled her eyes and made her way to the door but was stopped by Lex when he said "Where do you think you're going" she just turned around with a fake confused face

"Umm,out sir"She said

"Without saying anything to Mr Khahara?" He raised a eyebrow and cross his arms over his chest.

"Umm, sir what should I be saying to Mr Khahara" she questioned

"Well let me tell you, Mr Khahara here is the head of the Khahara manner and shall be respected by everyone around him" Lex stated.

Luna simply walked to Lucas, looked him in the eyes and said "Well then congrats on being the head whatever shit is that, but you see I don't bow down to perverts  like you, and if that means loosing my job then I would much rather get going than be "respectful" to you. . .Mr Khahara" she gave him a gentle push on the shoulder when it came to the word you. With that she turned her heels around and started to stroll to the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lex asked

"To pack my shit sir" Luna answered

"Excuse us " he just said to Lucas as he pulled Luna by the hand.

They walked to Lex's office lounge and he locked the door behind him.

"Is there anything wrong sir?" Luna asked

Lex suddenly pinned both her hands above her using one hand and the other caged her between him and the wall. Then he looked straight into her under sea like orbs and said "I don't care what crap you have going on between you and Lucas, but you are gonna deal with it, pull your shit together and walk him out.  understand? Cause I'm not gonna have my reputation tarnished because of your shit with him."

But she didn't seem fazed by his statement and just said "Mr Legend, not to disappoint you, but like I said I would much rather loose my job than to have that motherfucking asshole's presence around me. I want absolutely nothing to do with him even if it means losing my job."

"It's not your decision to leave this place. I said that you are gonna do it and you are. I have no time to negotiate on this with you. I've got far more important business to deal with."

"But i-"

"No. You're going no where and that's final"

"But Mr Legend you don't understand. If you knew what the hell is going on maybe you would have understood. . ."

"I don't need to understand anything. You just do what I told you to do and. . ."

"Sir I want nothing to do with that good for nothing scumba-" she was cut off by Lex's lips smashing themselves onto hers.
Lex was actually kissing her. His lips were warm and cold at the same time,yet so soft and addictive, while hers were plump and sweet and ever so soft.

His hands were soon traveling to her waist and wrapped themselves around her. And her own gently snaked around his neck, as the kiss deepened into a passionate one. This one kiss awoke Luna's little crush for Lex, while for Lex it was the best decision he's ever taken his whole life.

He had done much intimate actions, but to him sex was just sex. To him it was nothing compared to a kiss. Sex to him was just for fun and satisfaction, but a kiss was an expression of feelings hidden deep inside. It was expression of the color of someone's heart. And his heart for Luna, was firing red.

They then broke the kiss and looked anywhere but at each other, embarrassed of the redness of their faces, as it was was brighter than a ripe tomato's.

"You wouldn't stop talking so I had to shut you up" Lex said, justifying his action. "But the point is you're gonna do it like it or not" he then said

"Okay, fine" she then said out of defeat. Lex chuckled lightly and said "As if you had a choice"

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