chapter 47: my head is loud

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Luna's pov

I woke up on a bed in a dark room. My head was throbbing. All I could see was a white blob of blurry whiteness.

I could hear nothing but my own breathing, inhaling in and out over and over again.

I then fell out of consciousness again. It felt horrible as black dots covered my vision till I saw nothing but black.

The pain in my head kept hitting harder and harder as my head throbbed. My chest felt like thirty trillion bombs were  exploding in them. Every breath I took was like daggers through my windpipe., ragged and uneven because of the pain.

Flashes of memories I couldn't remember kept popping into my mind like a blurry dream.

There was a man with white hair coming closer to me, his figure becoming more and more visible with every step he took.


My Lex.

I called out to him and he just smiled maliciously making me grimace as I begged him to save me from this pain I couldn't take anymore

He just watched as I slowly died begging him to save me "Don't you love me anymore?" I whispered before my consciousness came back and that dreaded pain hit harder

I tried to remember what exactly had happened but all I could see was lex and my stomach churned oh so painfully

I tried to not think about that dream as I tried to keep my eyes open and not fall back into the darkness. I convinced myself that it was just a dram but my brain didn't wanna listen so I tried to just remember all the better times I spent with him.


It was all a blur, like I didn't know him.

Who was this lex?

The more I tried to remember the more my head ached. It was as if every good moment in my life was a blur. Like it never existed




I couldn't take it anymore.  I gave in and let my eyes shut letting the darkness ingulf me.

"Luna, I'm your best friend and you're mine." A sweet voice said coming from a blonde who's back was faced towards me as I came closer "I would never hurt you" she spoke manicingly turning to face me. As she turned to me I noticed that her eyes were hollow "right" she maliciously smiled before putting her hand around my neck and strangling me

Amy why?

I asked myself unable to move just watching my own best friend kill me with the biggest smile on her face.

I finally began to die and woke up again in a dark place. Standing up I looked around me just to find more people with hollow eyes. They all looked at me with psychotic menacing smiles and I started taking steps back

"What's wrong luna" Amy's voice asked and I screamed

The fear was engulfing me. Who were these monsters? What did they want from ?me.

They all want to hurt you. Lalalala they all wanna get rid of you lalalala. You are nothing but a burden.  A curse curse cursedy curse.

That's what my head told me as I ran "nooooo!" I screamed tears flying as I ran till my lfeet couldn't go longer, my lungs were tired and my heart couldn't take me.

So I just lay there  and awated the horror



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