Chapter 46: Over her, Over him

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Lex's pov

"Have you gotten over luna, why are you grinning like that?" Felix looked at me confused seeing the grin on my face "you spend 2 hours with your father and you're overr her? Wow he can work magic"

"No. I'll never get over her.  I'll never get over the her perfect curves. I'll never get over her perfect eyes, her lips, her skin and all of her. I'll never get over the feel of her lips on mine" I said as my grin dropped slowly and manicingly

"Oh so that's it, you're getting her back right?" He smiled maliciously

"You know I will. Nobody takes what's mine. And she is mine, whether she likes it or not she's mine, she will always be until I get bored of her. But I don't think I'll ever get bored of playing her little game. Now she'll get played at her own game." I smirked

"This seems entertaining. No girl has ever made you run around this much, I'd like to watch" he smirked back

"Oh dear dear brother," I walked slowly to the bar and poured two glasses of the strongest whiskey "you don't know how entertaining she is"

"Trust me I know" Felix took the glass I handed to him

"Because you were getting attached to her. Maybe way too attached" I said coldly

"She reminds me of her. Her attitude,  her stubbornness, her vulnerability, it all reminds me of her." He said taking a sip looking at nothing but thin air remembering that little rascal " the more I unravel her the more she turns into her" he then moved his eyes to me "maybe I am getting too attached"

"We'll find her. We'll punish her for the little run but will find her for sure. But Luna is quite like her isn't she?" I chuckled "gosh she was something else"

"But I failed to protect her. I failed to be an older brother.  If I looked after her better then she wouldn't have gotten-"

"Felix. It's not your fault,  we'll get the person who took her and we'll make him pay. Even if it takes forever we will" I said determined to find Felix's little sister.... my  little sister

"Yeah" Felix scoffed looking frustrated for a moment then smirked at some thought "so what's the plan? How do we find luna?" He said

"Don't worry, I've got my ways" i smirked, there was no way I was letting Lev get away with it. Not even by mistake

Luna's pov

I sat at the table with 2 men standing behind me, 2 men at each of the three  doors, and two men behind the the man that sat in front of me. So that was a total of 11 men in this one room.

"Eat" the man in front of me said and I just stared at him as if I was blind

"I won't repeat myself" he said coldly glaring daggers at me.

I just sat there quietly my head facing down but my eyes looking at him and my hair covering most of my face. The man slid his gun out and slowly placed it on the table making sure it makes a loud bang sound

"Now listen here you little shit. You gotta eat, because you gotta be healthy, and you gotta be alive. Because the boss said so. He wants you alive and healthy,  but nobody ever said anything about you being unharmed" he said coldly his orbs glaring straight into my own.

I knew normally I'd be intimidated and scared but right now I didn't feel anything.  I wanted to go back home, to my grandma, to my Amy, to my not so perfect life. I wanted Hope to be found, both my cousin and hope itself. I couldn't live this life.

Maybe if I hadn't met Lex this wouldn't have happened. Why did I have to mess up with Mr Williams. He was bald and ugly but he was a great manager.

And the CEO was a dick but he never got me kidnapped twice in a row. He never made me walk my long lost brother by force. He never made me fall bit by bit for him. He was never so perfect in every way but still so imperfect.

I broke down in tears crying

"The fuck is wrong with you woman?" The man asked me frustrated and pissed

"I'm sorry ok" I cried "my life keeps going south and I can't control it. I've been kidnapped three times already.  Three fucking times. I lost my family. My only family. My best friend and my grandma are somewhere in the world and I can't see them, theyre my only family. Nobody cares about me. Why can't I just fuckung die already. If you're gonna use that gun then just put the fucking bullet straight into my head I won't care. I just wanna take a breath and be happy, even for a single moment." I babbled "So FuCkInG KILL me!!"

"What" he looked at me confused of his own existence

"I'm just tired of living" I moved the plate infront of me and put my forehead on the table and let my tears fall.

"Your life is messed as fuck. You emo as fuck" he chuckled "you better eat because if the boss finds out you haven't been eating, your life's gonna get worse"

He got up and slowly walked towards the door chuckling "keep your eyes on her" he said to the men in the room before I heard the door close

I took a deep breath  and finally got my head off the tablesnd stared at the food.

Was I stupid enough to eat the food my kidnappers give me? What if it was poisoned?

I was hungry and stupid so yes I dug in and honestly the food was delicious. 

I sat there depressed looking at the pretty garden outside

Tears started falling from my eyes thinking of the fact that I might never ever see gramma and Amy ever again.

I might never see hope's goofy crazy face ever again. I hated my life.

"Can I please go to sleep? I'm tired" I said to the men that followed me around.  "Please"

"Let's go" the one with sandy brown hair  said before he led the way and the other walked behind me.

This place was nice. Almost similar to lex's place but it was lighter in the colors used, it was also a dwarf compared to lex's mansion.

It had white marble floors with some navy blue lightning like patterns here and there.

The walls were white with golden patterns. There was pretty golden molding on the high ceiling with diamond chandeliers

I walked inside my room to a stinging smell and immediately the door shut.

I looked around for what could be causing this foul smell, as it entoxicated  me slowly makimg me dizzy. I saw a man sitting on the couch with a gas mask on and before I could do anything I passed out

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