Chapter 44: The start of the real game

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Felix's POV

As I waited outside the building to fire I got even more impatient. This was taking a bit longer than I thought it would.

I guess the little thing just reminded me of my sister before she was taken at the age of 15. She was taken to be auctioned off and back then I was young and didn't know what was going on. I couldn't protect her and when I found what remained of her it was too late.

She wasn't dead but finding her was just difficult, she left no trace that she was once at a certain place and everytime I thought I'd pin pointed her she always managed to flee her 'owner' but always got caught again. She was just living on the run for her life an I guess I'll never find her again.

I didn't want the Same to happen to Luna, she was just too annoy-able to lose, and she was the only person Lex has ever layed eyes on in that way because everyone else didn't seem to tick that thing inside of him.

"Fire" Lex said


I pulled the trigger as I targeted the man I had a grudge against. I don't know why but I never liked him. The bullet went straight to the back of Vandermeer's head and I smiled contentedly and made my way to inside the building.

Lex and I decided to keep this party of ours as small as possible so we only brought a few people. Slayer, Xayne and Dix, were our most trusted men, we've been through hell and back with these men and we were going to break hell with these men.

There was smoke everywhere and I guess Xayne just wanted a bit of drama so he brought along his smoke bombs for a dramatic entrance..

Melodramatic hoe.

Once we were sure that everyone in this room was dead, Lex finally stood up to go to the stage and take his princess. I followed behind him holding my sniper in one arm and smoking a large joint with the other.

Dix already had everyone on their knees with their hands in the air, almost all the girls were unconscious and the remaining girls were teary and all messy.

Poor little bitches

"Call, Xander and tell him to bring transport to them out of here, then get Yves" Lex said

I respected this man and would be loyal to him all my life. He was able to play the hero and the villain like a boss

The door to the stage opened up and he got in.

Luna's POV

As I tried to open my eyes I saw someone coming in through the door but my eyes failed me and they closed again, then once again I drifted away.

"Luna?" A distant voice called my name, I could recognise the voice as it eased the tension in my body

"Luna, I'm here" it said. It was Lex, he came for me

"l-lex" I muttered silently bit I guess he heard it

"Luna, baby, I'm here" he said as I felt like we were walking. I zoned in and out over and over again. I had no idea of my surroundings

All I could feel, was strong warm hands carrying me and kisses on the forehead as Lex assured me that everything was gonna be ok.

After a few minutes of zoning in and out I finally opened my eyes just to meet beaming sunshine in my face, I felt pillows, lots and lots of pillows around me and the comfiest bed ever.

"L-lex?" Was all that came out of my mouth

"You're finally awake" a man said running over to me and peppering my hand with kisses. It was Lex and his hair was. . . darker?

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