Chapter 6: Drowning for her

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Lex's pov

I looked into her eyes. I couldn't tear mine from hers. They were just so. . .so luring. They were pulling me towards her. They were like the ocean. The big blue ocean. And I was drowning in it. But I kinda liked it. I liked drowning in the ocean of her eyes. I was falling for her. No. . .I was drowning for her.

At that exact moment,I felt it. It felt like a lightning bolt just hit my body. Like I died and was then reborn. As if I rebooted. I drowned in the ocean of her eyes and died, but was sent to a heaven where I had her for myself. It felt so good, yet so. . .so painful. Painful because I didn't have her for myself at that exact time when I wanted her.

Now I get it. All the questions are answered. Why I was so drawn to her. Why she fascinated me. Why I spent the night thinking about her. Why my world lit up when I saw her.

I wanted her for me. I wasn't gonna let her go like that. She will be mine.

But why can such an average girl make me feel this way. She has nothing. Me, Lex Legend. Fall for her, Luna, a simple low class girl like her. Okay she is by far beautiful but still. She isn't worthy of me.

Bit I will make her worthy of me. Im gonna make her good enough. I'm gonna have her all to myself.

My dear sweet Luna. She indeed befits her name. She lights up the night sky. No she's not a star, she's much more. She's my moonlight. The sun is nothing to the beauty of my moonlight. My moonlight will one day belong to me, and ONLY ME.

But for now I'm gonna cherish this moment that we're both gonna remember for the rest of our lives together her and I. Cause this is the moment I realized my love for her.

As my hand is in her pail skin,  and I can feel the softness of it. Nothing can compare to this feeling I'm feeling right now. You and me, in one room, alone, with this feeling of loving you with all my stomach. I could say heart but my stomach is bigger than my heart.

I stand up letting go of her remembering something important. I tell Felix to pick Josh and Nina up from school up from school since I'm busy. Josh is my little brother who's 12 l,and Nina is my little 6 year old sister.
And then Felix is my right hand man, my second in command and has been for 4 years.

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Felix FlairAged 23Lex's best friendMafia Ghost's second in command

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Felix Flair
Aged 23
Lex's best friend
Mafia Ghost's second in command

Felix FlairAged 23Lex's best friendMafia Ghost's second in command

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ina legend
Aged 6
Lex's little sister

ina legendAged 6Lex's little sister

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Joshua LegendAged 14Lex's little brother

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Joshua Legend
Aged 14
Lex's little brother

I pick a bunch of papers and shove than at Luna. She looked so dumbstruck by what was going on. Yet she was so cute. My moonlight is cute no matter what she is doing. I then told her to follow me and she did just that. She is so obedient. Hmm my little obedient,cute Luna.

She does her work and I admit I was being a bit harsh on but I tried not to be.

You Know, she's nothing like my little pet Elle. Yeah Elle sounds sweet but she's not because she's just a bitch I play adult games with.

That time of the day came and Luna was leaving she said her last goodbye but I stopped her to savour her beautiful face and say "learn to stand up for yourself. Cause here no one will and I really don't like saying sorry ok"

She looked at me and smiled as her face flushed and she said "yes sir".

Luna's pov

I went home after work and well Mr Legend is not at all that bad. He's actually kinda nice. He just focuses on his job a lot. And he's actually kinda hot.

I got off the bus and walked home. As I was walking I felt a weird feeling of being followed. I try to ignore it. But the feeling wouldn't go away. Instead it got stronger to the point where I got a bit scared. I hear some footsteps behind me and eyes drilling holes through me. I then pick my steps up and walk a bit faster. The footsteps also walk on my pace. I then start jogging. The person behind does the same. Then I started running. I ran faster than I ever had. I didn't look back afraid of what I'll see. I run and run and run and run for my life. The footsteps then disappear. I also stop to take a breath. I let my hands fall to my knees as I breath heavily. I look up to see how far I've gone and I see my apartment right in front of me.

As I walk in I find Amy sitting on the couch with some popcorn, watching a movie. I lock the door windows and every place in my house a person can let themselves in using. And then I greeted her finally as I threw myself on the couch " Hay Ames"
"Took you long enough" she said as a respond.

We then bond for a while before I get up and walk upstairs to my room. As soon as I let myself in I collapse on my bed out of boredom and tiredness. But still

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