Chapter 45: The godfather

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???'s pov

I tapped the black mask that covered half my face silently while sipping on red wine looking at my little dollface.

She looked Peaceful while sleeping though she really put up a fight.

After Lex Legend left she tried to fight through Levi to get to Lex. The little thing couldn't even walk but she still tried before he injected her with something and it put her to sleep.

Now she was in my bed sleeping peacefully like the angel she is. The angel she was. What an angel she was before what she did to me. But now we can fix that, we can turn her back into the angel she was, a little punishment would do but for now I was just gonna lay low.

She started stirring in her sleep so I stood up slowly and walked  towards her sleeping figure. The sheets hugged her body lightly outlining all her curves. Fuck I could've had her right there and then but I didn't, I was gonna wait just a bit longer till I devour her.

I took a few steps closer and bended over putting my lips on her ear and whispered "you're mine again, and this time you're not going anywhere"

She furrowed her eyebrows together for a short while and I placed a small kiss on her forehead and left

Luna's pov

I thought I heard it. In my sleep I thought I heard a voice I knew but I couldn't wake up, I was stuck in a dream.

I felt warm breaths inhaling and exhaling on my neck before getting closer to my ear. That voice ticked something inside of me as the cold presence looming over my body, I felt something slightly wet on my forehead and the breaths started fanning my face, the warm breaths smelled like wine, seductive yet alarming.

Then like a gust of wind blowing the coldness left along with the feeling of someone around me and immediately I woke up.

I was afraid, it felt like I was just pushed off the edge of a sky scraper. It felt like my death calling, slowly seducing me but I didn't wanna let it come close.

I slowly curled up into a small ball with the covers hugging me tightly as every single muscle in my body was screaming at me not to.

I ignored the pain and let myself go into the safest zone in my mind. I kept my eyes closed as flashes if lex leaving kept coming and going as tears fell from my eyes.

I wasn't angry at him for leaving me I was rather afraid.

I don't know why but I felt an aura around me. It was a quite familiar aura that ran cold shivers down my spine.  Just thinking of his presence around me gave me goosebumps.

My body shook from the fear of meeting him again. I didn't really know whether it was him or not but every drop of blood in my body told me to prepare for the worst, Every breath I took was like the last, every cell in me told me to hide away, but every instinct in me told me to run and if I get caught fight like my life depends on it because it most probably does.

That aura was very familiar, it was similar to the one I got when I got the feeling that I was being followed, being watched by a pair of eyes that posed danger to my life.

But was it him? Was he really.... No he wouldn't do that. I knew he would but I denied that he would. It could've been him but I denied it could've, it couldn't have been him.

I was convincing myself that it wasn't just to calm the only part of me that could be calmed but the truth is that I knew it was him.

Lex's pov

The tension in the room was palpable as my father's cold gaze bore into mine. His dark steel eyes seemed to pierce through my soul, demanding an explanation.

"What went wrong?" he asked icily, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife.

"It was a mistake," I replied quietly, unable to meet his intense gaze.

"Mistake?" he scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. "Mistake? There is no room for mistakes in the fucking Russian Mafia. When I built you, I built a boss, I built a monster, I built a cold, merciless killer. Not this. You let yourself get soft, and that cost me your sister's life. You know exactly how much your mom overreacts."

"Overreacts?" I snarled, a cold chuckle escaping my lips. "She's your fucking daughter. If she did die, all you'd care about is Mom overreacting? What the fuck is wrong with you? Your fucking daughter almost died, and y—"

"Because of you," he interrupted, his smirk filled with malice. "Don't raise your voice at me, or else."

"Yes, father," I conceded, backing down. I couldn't forget who he was, not for a moment.

"Let me remind you who you are, Lex," he continued, his tone authoritative. "You are in power. You are the Russian Mafia Boss, Thee Russian Mafia King, and what you say happens."

I remained silent, absorbing his words.

"You let a girl get in your way, you let yourself feel, you thought with your heart, not your mind. And if I have to shut that damn heart of yours, if I have to lock away those damn feelings of yours, if I have to remind you who you are the hard way again, then trust me, son, I won't hesitate."

He didn't understand, did he? He didn't know, did he? He wouldn't understand.

"You are Lex Legend. No girl will make you fall. If she doesn't want to do things the easy way and let you take her, then you do things the hard way and just take her. You get what you want, whether anybody likes it or not. You will not let my mafia fall. This is not how I built you," he concluded, his voice low but commanding.

He was right. He understood. He knew. I always got what I wanted, but this time, I tripped on my own feelings. I was not going to go down. I was going to get what I wanted, whether anybody liked it or not. I was going to get everything I wanted.

And I wanted Luna Winters.

"Look at me," my father commanded, and I met his gaze unflinchingly.

Steel blue and silver clashed as we stared into each other's eyes, devoid of emotion.

"Who am I?" he asked, his tone still low but firm.

"You're Lucifer Legend," I replied.

"Who the fuck am I?" he demanded once more.

"You're the Godfather," I answered, acknowledging his authority with a sense of resignation.

"Good" he smirked and leaned back into his chair "Vozmozhno, ya otdal svoyu mafiyu tebe, synok, no pomni, chto ya upravlyayu, ya Verkhovnyy korol', ya yedinstvennyy krestnyy otets" he said coldly in Russian(I may have given over my Mafia to you, son, but remember I rein, I am Thee Supreme King, I am the one and the only Godfather)

"ty mozhesh' uyti, syn" he said lighting up a joint (you may take your leave, son)

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