Chapter 18: Red tomato

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Luna walked out of the office, her face was like 'OMG'. And she was like that the entire way.

Andrew was talking to her but she was too absent minded to hear what he was going on about. They stepped into Lex's office and he wasn't there.

Lex got in and walked to his chair and coldly told Andrew to get the hell out. And all Andrew did was roll his eyes and obey.

Andrew was used to Lex's behavior by now. Growing up in his family, he got to know Lex from a very young age. He grew up in a family of the Legends' personal stylists so he spent a lot of time with him.

When he decided to go gay and everybody's opposed of this, Lex was the one who encouraged him to be his own self rather than being somebody else's self.

So he respected Lex like he was an older brother despite him being the older one

He walked out and closed the door behind him.

"Luna" lex said, Luna looked at him looking like a bright red tomato.

"Cancel your ride home, I'm taking you back" lex demanded not even looking at her but at the documents in his strong hand

"Mhhm, what?" Luna asked, all the blood in her body rushing to her face

"Let's go kitten" Lex said taking her hand in his and pulling her out the office

"W-what?" Luna asked again, completely dumbstruck and flustered by Lex's touch.

They got to the VIP garage and walked to a two seater, slick, black Jaguar with a dropped body sports car look

He opened the door for her and she sat he then came close to her and her heart rate picked up, her breathing hitched and her thoughts blurred out. Time stopped as they made eye contact, his face inches away from her own.

He then buckled up her seatbelt as he smirked and said "Relax, nothing's gonna happen," 

He closed the door and got into his seat "I'm just being nice to my little kitten" he said as he stepped on the accelerator

When we were finally out of the building he asked "Where do you live?"

"Huh, what?Are you talking to me?" She asked, not used to how soft his voice was

"You're the only person in this car, so tell me where you live" he said as a small smile creeped on his lips

Oh yeah. He is definitely talking to me she thought

"Downtown on St Claudio 316" she told

He drove there and parked by her apartment

"Thank you so much for driving me home" she politely thanked him before reaching her hand to open the door but he locked it.

She looked at him questioningly as he smiled and got out to open the door for her

He opened it and then took off her seat belt then looked at her "don't thank me, yet" he said as he kissed her cheek turning her bright red.

She is so cute. She's perfect in everyway he thought

He reached his hand out to her to help her out of the car. She hesitated for a while before putting her little cold hand in his big warm one.

She got out of the car and he still didn't let go of her hand, instead he pulled her just a little bit closer to him.

"Bye, flower" he kissed her hand

"Bye, sir" she smiled shyly

"It's Lex" he chuckled as he watched her walk off

She chuckled back. He then got a text from Elle asking him to come back. All he did was scoff as he walked back to his door but stopped when seeing two guys trying to molest his kitten just outside the apartment and rage could be seen clear in his eyes. It was obvious since it was late

He walked to her and pulled the smaller one off with one hand throwing him roughly to the floor. The bigger one was taken by surprise as a iron fist came flying his way and he went flying to the ground. Lex then kicked his manhood, as the smaller guy tried to run off lex yanked him by the collar of his shirt and collided the heads of the two.

He yanked them up and made them stand on their feet and coldly said "Go apologize to her"

The two went to the shaking figure of Luna. Tears coated her face, her breathing uneven and her heart basically banging against her chest.

"M-madam, w-w-we're  sorry, we will n-never try t-to harm you e-ever again" they begged clearly as if it was for their lives.

"So do you accept their apology" Lex asked. His soul clearly begging her to not accept so he can Kill them ruthlessly. His vision was red and his heart craved for blood, the blood of those who dared touch his kitten

She just stood there shaking too afraid to say anything

"Looks like she doesn't accept, so I'll just have you for myself then" he said, his voice starting to sound insane

He then sent flying fists to the two till they're faces were deranged, the fists came on till Luna finally said "Stop! Please stop" she cries

"Are you sure, sweetheart?" He asked

She nodded then he let the two assholes go.

"Are you ok?" He asked

She nodded again and he looked at her in a weird way "What?" She asked

"I don't like that scarf you're wearing" he said, amusement coating his voice as he took it off her

Her face turned back to the tomato she was all day and he chuckled at this "Relax would you" he smiled she started to relax around him and she chuckled along as well starting to kinda like him

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