Chapter 31: HIS woman

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Luna's POV

He knocked on the door to my apartment as I was in the bedroom, still bedazzled of how good I looked.

Amy did say that I have to make him wait a little, she said not to let him know that I took the whole day getting ready just for him. She is after all the motherfucking dating queen, so what can I say, I'm 20 and I've never been on a real date? yeah, real original

"Oh hi" Amy said with that sweet girl voice of hers, I'm still surprised she didn't seduce him

"Hi, miss. . ." He greeted respectively and asked for her name without demanding it. Aww, I'm so proud of him, he's nicer now, and anyway if he did show any sign of arrogance towards Amy she would have him out of here, on the floor and shut the door in his face

That's my baby

"Amy, Amy Sirens" she said, probably with a big smile

". . .Miss Sirens" he said but said the Sirens in a quite aggressive tone as if holding a grudge against it.

"Umm, you must be here for Luna, well she's still a bit busy, you know girls and they're will to be perfect" she said, knowing that I had been done for two ours now

"Well I find her perfect, even the air that she breaths is perfect" Lex said and I flushed

Amy's POV

"You can take a seat, Mr Legend" I said not believe that the real freaking Lex Legend is on my couch waiting for my baby, I'm so fucking proud of her

"Thank you, Miss Sirens" he said, omg his respecting me, I like me some Lex.

That's right, you better respect me bitch

"It's just Amy" I said with a chill smile, keeping my big girl act up

"Amy, that's a beautiful name" he said,

I really love me some Lex

"Thank you, I'll go get Luna" I said as I left the room

"Luna," I said when I got to the door, and motioned for her to come as she was sitting on the edge of the bed "remember don't embarrass me"

"Ok, I won't" she rolled her eyes

"Yeah keep rollin' them and maybe you'll find your brain" I said


We got to the living room and when he heard our footsteps, Lex stood up and turned to us.

"Hi" Luna smiled

"H-hi, hi-hi" he stuttered looking lovestruck "y-you look. . ." He started talking

"Hot? cute? pretty? gorgeous? amazalicious? like a goddess? thee goddess? the goddess of beauty? just tell me how she looks, I wanna know" I asked anxiously

"Perfect. You look perfect " he said and the breath I didn't know I was holding finally went free.

"Good, now I want her back by 11 o'clock sharp, I'll be waiting. And if anything, if anything at all happens to her, then trust me, I'm gonna break you, then I'll send your balls to your next wife as a wedding gift. I might be all pink and cutesy, but trust me I can break some manhood, got it" I said fiercely

"Yes ma'am " he said taking Luna's hand

They walked to the door and Luna turned to wish me goodbyev"go have some fun you kids" i said happily, they look so good together

Back to Luna's POV

My friend wished us goodbye in her own special way. We walked to the car in silence and he opened the door for me so I got in. He walked to his side and got in the car, he leaned closer to me as if he was gonna kiss me but he said "seatbelt". He so totally meant to do that

His hot minty breath hit my face and the seatbelt clicked when he whispered in my ear "you look beautiful " and I kinda blushed a little but pit myself together before saying "and you look handsome"

He smiled and kissed my cheek lightly. We rode silently, but it wasn't the kind of awkward silenc, it was the nice kind of silence, the kind of silence you liked, where you could feel a bind forming itself.

We got to this fancy looking restaurant and as we got out of the car all eyes were on us, people stopped what they were doing as if a royal couple just arrived, they looked at us with awe and raw admiration.

I could say that they were all looking at Lex, he is after all the star of the show, he's the show stopper, the hot hitman that's most wanted in the city, he was the one they were admiring, the 'main course', while I was just a 'side dish'.

We walked in and it was beautiful, with glass walls over viewing the city, and it looked amazing. We sat at a grand two sitter dinner table that didn't keep us too far apart.

A waiter immediately approached us to ask for our order but Lex turned him down coldly "We've barely been here for two minutes, we haven't even picked the menu up and and you're asking us for our order? Give my lady some time to decide and we'll tell you when we're done"

"Yes sir, I am sorry madam, umm the man by that table over there" he motioned towards a table behind the one on our left hand side where a nicely dressed man sat, with his brown hair slicked back and a black tux "asked me to hand you this" the waiter said with a french accent and gave me a rose with a napkin wrapped around it, the napkin had some writing on it.

Lex took the rose before the waiter could give it to me and to my surprise he coldly stated what I never thought he would say "may you tell that man, that I will break him and send his nuts to his next wife as a wedding gift if he keeps his dirty eyes on my woman" he actually did the whole Amy thing, and called me his woman over that.

I saw that the night was gonna go well after all, and I guess Lex wasn't at all the bell of the ball, as every man that walked through the door had they're faces flushed looking at me, and woman glared at me with envy in their eyes while trying to get Lex's attention but I was the only one who received it.

After our nice meal I politely asked to go to the ladies room just like Amy said to make sure my makeup is still good.

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