chapter 3: Mood Swing

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But before anything could happen Luna grasped his wrist tightly before his hand

She showed a warning smile,which kinda mocked him, and looked straight into his eyes. Fear streaming in her vains but trying hard not to show it "I would advise you to just watch your words when you speak," she said smile not leaving her face as her jaw clenched deeply in her smile "yes I know in my status as low class and a woman I might not be fit to say that but here I am right now saying it. I'm no toy that you can play with, if I'm wrong in saying that, so be it. I am fine with finding another job. It's not like I was eager for this one, 'cause really I just found a poster outside the building and thought to my self," her eyes averted sarcastically as it thinking and then sighed "might as well give it a try. I'm not 'every other girl', I'm Luna who doesn't need a lustful man to get her a job because she can do it herself. So snap to reality"

Of course she had more things to say, they were devious things, curses,much more than a meaningless warning. And despite her fear, she wasn't gonna say anything. Hell no. Not from her lips. That would be doing exactly what her mother always taught her not to do. And even if her mother was dead she was never going to go against her precious loving mother's teachings.

As soon as she was done speaking Andrew's surprised, fearful features changed to absolute joy and he bursted out of her grip and jumped as he screamed in absolute happiness like a teenage girl getting a sleek expensive car from the hottest guy in school as a way of asking her out.

Now holding Luna's hands and pulling her in for a extra girly hug that she didn't (but kinda did expecting from the way he was acting, duh) expect.

"Umm. . . what's going on?" She asked clearly dumbstruck by what was happening at that moment (I can't judge her from the way the mood just changed, total mood swing, am I right;-)?)

"Oh, I completely forgot to tell you. You like totally got the job sister." Andrew said excitedly in a completely different tone, from the completely different tough,firm,manly one he had been using. This one sounded more soft, excited,gossipy,and kinda unoffensively, gayish?

Puna just stood there still so dumbstruck and confused at what the hell was happening. And Andrew could clearly see that so he let go of her to explain "sister, listen,my boss,now turned our boss,is a pretty demanding man,born in the wealthiest of families, deserves the best of everything,and considering the enemies he has, demands an assistant who is honest, determined,loyal, and can handle herself in situations like these oh and also can keep a firm expression that doesn't display anything against him. So I had to put up this whole act to get the best results of what he demands. And you, baby,are exactly that, so you got the job." He explained and still her expression remained " sister I wasn't gonna do those things to you" he explained but to no avail "Babe, sweetie, angel, gorgeous, SISTER, I'm gay." Then finally reality kicked back into her body.

And in that reality Andrew was gay. One of the most good looking,most handsome gays anyone's ever met.

                         Andrew Yates,                                 Aged 23,Gay        Lex's pocket stylist,loyal                     adviser and Manager

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Andrew Yates,
Aged 23,Gay
Lex's pocket stylist,loyal adviser and Manager

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