Chapter 33: Getting away

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"Wait, Luna what are you wearing, it's too revealing, and why are you out with Lex, the fuck were you runnin' away from, I thought you were in danger or something" Lucas went on and on when Luna just wanted to get away from Lex, Lucas, Lucian, Felix, Xander Luthor, and. . .him. She just wanted to get away from everything and everyone

"Lucas, please stop! Just stop, drop me by the bus stop I'll ride a bus home" she said tired of everything.

"it's fucking 9:30 and you want me to leave you all alone at a bus stop, I'll drop you home thank you very much." Lucas said

"You're not my fucking dad, ok" she shouted back

"Yeah, but I'm your older brother, and that fucking dad I'm not? He's at home regretting leaving his love and his daughter behind, he's at home wanting to take it all back, he didn't want to leave but he was forced to, he di-"

"Lucas stop. I don't wanna hear about him. Both you and him are nothing to me, you both make me sick," she said as Lucas parked infront of her apartment "don't bother telling me about him. And don't worry, I won't ever bother you again, not now and not ever. Just go and live your life like you were doing the last few years; without me. Just live normally in your mansion, with your luxury cars, and all the businesses you'll be running. Just don't forget to be happy, that I will not bother you ever again" she said

Luna opened the door just when Lucas wanted to say something, before she could close the door she said "oh yeah, free advice; if you make a promise then keep it. It'll do you good in future" she closed the door and left wiping the tears off her eyes

"Stay safe Luna Khahara" Lucas smiled at his little sister's back as tears whelmed his eyes. Luna just flipped him the middle finger

"I love you" he whispered loud enough for her to hear. She just walked even quicker

She called an old friend of her's from high school

On call

"Hey, Kay"

"Luna Winters, how've you been, you know, it's been so long since we talked"

"We literally talked just the day before yesterday "

"Ok ok, so you really missed me that much"

"Whatever, I would keep listening to you blabbering because I love your accent more than I love you, but. . .can Amy and I stay with you for a while. We're kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place "

"Ugh, I'm not home this week, but you can stay at gran-gran's place, I'll pick you up when I come back"

"You're the best, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know. You'll probably never find anyone like me so I understand. And anyway you know I got your back, it's just you me, Amy, and Mia"

"And Hope, don't forget Hope"

"Yeah and that beautiful little D sucker too"

"Night Kayla"

"Night Lil suka" (bitch)

End of call

She got to the apartment and locked everything that was lockable.

"Hey boo, how was your date" Amy asked flirtatiously

"Amy pack, we're leaving" Luna said walking into the bedroom and putting on a large hoodie

"What do you mean by 'leaving', what's going on Luna?" The blonde looked at Luna, wondering what it could be

"Amy, just pack as much as you can fit in your suitcase, I'll explain later, we have to leave, now" Luna said taking her clothes and shoving them in her suitcase

She took a bunch of shoes; flip flops, sandles and all her good kicks, Jordans, Nikes, Adidas, Puma, every kind of sneaker she had. She shoved in a bunch of jeans, all her oversized hoodies and sweats, her caps, a few dresses and Amy shoved two pairs of high heels in Luna's suitcase

"Seriously?" She raised an eyebrow

"What? you never know when you actually need to dress like a lady" Amy said innocently as she closed her suitcase

Luna called her grandmother

On call

"Luna, it's been a while my sweet pea"

"Hey grandma, I called to say that we'll be coming to stay with you for a while"

"Is there a problem, sweet pea"

"Yes granny, I hope it won't be a problem for you, I'll bake you tons of blueberry lemon muffins"

"It wouldn't be even if you weren't gonna bake any muffins, but since you suggested, then you'll have to do it"

"Thanks grandma I will, bye I have to go"

"Goodbye honey"

End of call

"You finished?" Luna asked Amy

"Yeah, I'll call my brother to come pick us up" Amy offered

"Sure" Luna agreed too tired to argue


Luna's POV

I couldn't believe this is me, running again. Why did troubles follow me around so much.

I sat at the back seat of the car with my head resting against the glass window with my eyes shut. I was just tired.

I was physically tired, mentally challenged, and emotionally drained. This is the best thing I can do, get away from everything and just spend my days with the people i love.

I just hoped that Lex wouldn't find me now that I was leaving.
Amy called Keith and he arranged us some plane tickets to Russia, where grandma relocated to from Africa.

She always said that Russia was where she wanted to spend her last days, it was where she first met her love, where she spent the most happiest days of her life.

She used to tell me the story of her and grandpa.

I remember her saying that her parents were English but she was born and grew up in Africa. She was seventeen when went to Russia on vacation and she met him; my grandpa, he was the most handsome man she had ever met, but she was too 'Diana' to even notice him. His father was an American salesman and he was in Russia for business. He was still gonna turn 20 at this time

He asked her out dancing a few times and started to know each other. When he finally confessed his feelings she just smiled and said they should stay friends it would be better that way. When it was her time to leave she promised that when they met again she would be his and marry him.

He then went to Africa a few years later later looking for her. He found her on a swing on a big tree near a waterfall. Then they never ever, left each other again. They married and a few years later she fell pregnant, grandpa went on a business trip to Russia for 3 months and promised to be back before their baby was born. When it was time for him to come back, grandma was so excited and just couldn't wait.
But instead of grandpa, she received a letter saying grandpa had passed away.

That's why she wanted to die there, where she feels closest to her love

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