Chapter 22: Heavy outfit and piercing orbs

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Luna's POV

I quickly put on a black blouse and a navy scarf

Ok this should do the trick.

"Oh by the way, Lu, what's with the hickeys?" Amy asked from the bathroom "did you finally experience the wonder of sexual pleasure?" She peeked her head through the slightly open door with a smirk

"Hickeys? What hickeys? I didn't see any hickeys." I said

"Who gave you the love bite?" She asked, sarcasm coating her words.

"Oh shut up" I whined

"Did it feel good?Was it big? How delicious was it?" She nonchalantly asked as if it was the most casual thing to ask

"Eww, that's disgusting" i whined even more

"Bye baby" she said as I walked out of the door

"Bye" I said back as I closed
door only to open it again in a matter of seconds "are you gonna be in those," I motioned to her red lingerie "for like, the whole day?"

"Yep" she simply stated

"Weirdo" I mumbled to myself as I closed the door

" I heard that, you paranormal psychotic bitch!" She shouted from the other side of the door I walked off to work.

All I did was chuckled at this as I just shrugged it off.


"Girl, what's with the," he motioned to my outfit "heavy outfit" Andrew smiled

"Just, f-felt like it, you know" I rolled my eyes

"No, I don't. But what I do know is that you're incredibly late, so. . ." He wandered off

"Oh shit" I started jogging to Mr Legend's office "bye, bitch" I waved to Andrew

"Bye, boo" he waved back as my figure disappeared around the corner

I knocked on his office, in my hands was a cup off strong dark coffee and a few documents. I heard a cold come in and knew that that was my que

Ok it was now or never. Ever since I started working here, when I get to Mr Legend's office I get that nervous feeling, I feel like it's my first time here and that I should be my best to get the job

I come in and those beautiful metallic eyes move from his laptop screen to me. They lock with my own deep blue ones for a few seconds before he moves them back to the laptop.

I felt like my heart was going to burst as the butterflies in my stomach start to flatter

"Morning Mr Legend" I smile brightly moving to his black wooden desk and putting the coffee on a clean space, and putting the documents just next to his Apple laptop.

He licks his bottom lip and lowly said "Hi"

My face immediately turned red and a little smirk formed on his thin lips

He never replied when I greeted him, he's always either way too busy or way too superior to answer me, according to most of his fangirls, I am not worthy of his time, of breathing the same air as him and off being around his godly presence.

Fucking bitches

He looks at me up and down then smirks

"Isn't it hot outside?" He asks

"Yes sir it is. It's the middle summer so it's bound to be hot" I answered, like I'm supposed to.

He treats like fucking Google

"I was just asking because of your," he moved his eyes from the laptop screen to me "heavy outfit"

Shit just hit the fan

I clear my throat uncomfortably.

"Uh, umm. . .I-i, w-w-well, um" I struggle to get the words out of my mouth

"Whatever" he chuckles

Did I just make him smile. He chuckled. Oh My fucking gothic stilleto.

I subconsciously blush. What is this guy doing to me.


The rest of the day went by and I was in the bathroom just about to leave. I finished my business and washed my hands.

I then took of the scarf I was wearing. Thank goodness they were visible by now. Hallelujah, at least he didn't make them that dark.

I took of my blouse and scarf then carried the two on my arm. I smiled to my self as I finally felt a bit more comfortable.

As I walked out I saw Mr Legend standing by the entrance of the building, leaning against the wall, one of he's legs on the wall while the other stood firm and he's attention on his phone.

I took a moment to look at him.


He is stunning. He and is fucking godly looks, he looks like the devil, devilishly handsome. What a beautiful cold iceberg.

My phone vibrated then I took a look at what it was. It was Amy asking me what time I'll be home. I decided to ignore her as I took a look at the time.

Shit, I was here this long

I'd been standing here for more than five minutes. I've gotta be kidding myself.

Well I didn't blame me, I blame him. Why did he have to be so freaking hot. Fuck him, I can't stand his good looks.

His hair looked as white as snow and softer than a cloud making me wish to run my fingers through it, those eyes, those beautiful metallic grey eyes made me wanna look into them all night long as if they held many secrets. And his lips, those thin, pink, sweet, delicious. . .

What was I thinking? This was my goddamn boss. I really had got to get a hold of myself.

I quickly walked past him and as I was about to walk out the building by where he was standing he had my arm gripped in his hand tightly yet gently

"And where are you going" those piercing orbs attentively looked into my own blue ones

"Umm, I. . . Well, I was" I stuttered not knowing what to say

"Let's go" he said as he moved into a standing position

"Go where" I subconsciously looked into his eyes, which I regretted doing because I couldn't take my eyes off them

"Home" he answered as he shut off his phone and inserted into his pocket

"H-home?" I stammered

Fuck I probably looked stupid

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