Chapter 16: Hangover

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Luna's POV


I woke up not knowing where I was. My head was throbbing and I felt like I was just hit by a train.

God if you help me with this headache, I promise I will never drink again. . .maybe

I felt proud of my little prayer, but grunted at my empty promise.

"You're up" a familiar husky voice echoed like melody in my ear.

"Keith?" I murmured to myself as I turned my head to see Amy's slightly older brother

"Hi" he said in that melodious voice of his.

"Finally you're awake!" Amy exclaimed

"Oh fuck" I whined as I put my hands in either sides of my head as if to block out the immense pain I felt

"What's wrong" Amy and Keith both said in unison with concern clear in both their eyes

Aww, he cares about me

"Hangover" I whined

"Urgh, you know I thought it was something serious. You know what I mean" Amy rolled her eyes out of annoyance as she strolled away "I'm gonna go shower or something"

"I'm gonna get you some pain killers before heading to work" he smiled

"Thanks" I smiled back afraid that if I say anything else I might say something embarrassing.

"Your smile's really pretty" he said, which made my face turn crimson red.

He then stroked my red locks and tugged them to the back of my ear as his eyes bored into my own.

His eyes, one of the many things I like about him. He had green eyes which drove me crazy, jet black spiky hair, and a gorgeous face.

Sure he wasn't even half as good looking as Mr Legend but he was so daily attractive I couldn't help but have a crush on him. Not to mention those lips that always screamed KISS ME.

I know, it's pretty cléche of me to have a crush on my bestie's bro, but goddamnit, I can't help him being so fucking attractive

He is the heir to inherit the Sirens Mining industry. He's like 24 and he is such a charming charming gentleman.

His face was inches away from mine, and the kiss I was waiting for was about to happen. . .

"I hope you aren't making out you two!"  Amy shouted from the shower

"Fuck you dick head!" Keith cursed Amy loud enough for her to hear. That smile still on his face

"Fuck you pussy face!" Amy cursed back as she walked out from the shower with a towel around her which made me giggle

"Would you get dressed?!" Keith suggested for the young half naked lady

"You've seen what's beyond this towel so fuck off" Amy dead panned

"Let me go get you some pain killers Luna,"he smiled "oh and please, forget about what Amy just said" he asked politely

"I'll think about it I guess" I chuckled softly

"Would you stop trying to get Luna's attention would you? It's very much disgusting" Amy said

Some things will just never change, some things like these two. They were so perfect.

Keith then headed to work and Amy told me how we ended up at Keith's before I got a text.

My heart skipped a beat when I realized who it was from

Mr Legend

Be here in an hour

Ok, so this was basically the first time ever he texted me and I was like

He's got my number

I blushed a little to that little thought.Then came the thought that took disposal of my little daydream

Oh shit, I only have an hour

I quickly got ready but unfortunately had to wear Amy's clothes, which was a reaaally short black dress with spaghetti straps, but fortunately it was appropriate enough for work.

I got to work and Andrew was there by the entrance to greet me like he always did.

He then told me about his new boyfriend. He described the guy as 'tall, dark and handsome', he also described the male as 'beautiful chocolate man'

I got into Mr Legend's office only to find a pleasant surprise

"Good day Mr Legend and Mr Sirens" I greeted as my face started growing pink at the way Keith looked at me.

"I guess we'll discuss this matter via email then Mr Legend" Keith said

"I guess we will" Lex then agreed

Look at me, in one room, with the two people I really like. Lucky me

Keith walked by me and whispered something in my ear "Saturday 7pm sharp, you and I, be ready"

I turned crimson red. He was asking me out on a date!

I excused myself so I could go somewhere privet to vent out all of the excitement in my stomach because I couldn't keep it in any longer.

I strolled through the hallways with a bright smile on my face only to find Keith kissing with Cindy, the receptionist and I felt my heard drop lower than my stomach.

My bottom lip quivered as the tears that were building up in up in the corners of my eyes started to sting. I couldn't cry right now. I had to keep it together. Right now my job was important.

I strolled back and bumped into Anastasia, who handed me a few files for me to give to me Legend.

I got into his office and wiped the tears  in my eyes before he could notice. I then gave him the files trying to face any where but directly to him.

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