Chapter 28: The price to pay for breaking Omérta

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Lex's pov

"Tell me what I wanna know, and I'll go easy on you" I growled as he was balancing for his life but soon slipped and got strangled but right when he was on the verge of death I ordered for him to be untied.

I wasn't gonna let him die such an easy death. I'm the Mafia Boss for a reason.

"Get me a large bag of salt. Felix, when I come back I want this cunt dripping with blood,  still alive" I growled,

This grandmafucker has no idea who he's dealing with

"This is gonna be fun" Felix said

I stood up from my seat and all the attention in the room was on me "Ty igrayesh' s ognem, i teper' ty sgorish'. Ty sdelal ochen' plokhoy postupok, tak chto teper' Bog tebe ne pomozhet. Vy vybrali ne tu grebanuyu kartu dlya igry i zabyli, chto ya, Leks Legend, yebanyy boss mafii, nastoyashchiy Bog dlya vas, YA YESM' KOROL', i vse, kto brosit mne vyzov, stolknutsya s posledstviyami. I eto kasayetsya VSEKH vas! PONYALI growled angrily (You are playing with fire, and now you're gonna burn. You did a verrry bad thing, so God won't help you now. You picked the wrong fucking card to play and forgot that I Lex Legend am the Motherfucking Mafia Boss, an actual God to you, I AM KING, and all who who defy me will face the consequences. And that goes to ALL of you! UNDERSTOOD?)

I turned to Axel, one of my most trusted men, and said "Get me a huge bag if salt and fill the death pull I'll be back in a minute"

I then turned to Felix "I want this bag of rotten cum alive, dripping wet with blood, give him every inch of what you got before I come back" I growled as a smirk traced my face

I walked out annoyed, right then I realised that I had little time to live so it was either now or never, I had to just let it all out.

I took out my phone and closed my eyes hoping for the best in this move

Hey Luna

Hey Mr Legend

Umm so I was wondering if you were busy this weekend

To be honest I don't really know but I'll check my schedule

Okay then

I put my phone in my pocket kinda disappointed then the notification sound dinged

What did you wanna do this weekend

Nothing important, just forget about it

Just tell me or else I'm gonna die of curiosity

I was wondering if we could go out for dinner, just you and I

. . .

Just forget it, I understand if you aren't comfortable with. . .going out with me

I quickly shut my phone off and put it in my pocket. This wasn't a good idea. I was so stupid to think that this one special girl could just flaunt over me like any other girl, I'll just give her time.

Felix's voice snapped me out of my daze as he said "ey, Ghost, so what are you planning to do?" He asked

"You'll see," I said, I wasn't gonna let him know just like that, I was gonna toy with him a little, just keep everyone guessing "I Heard you've been fucking the little dark headed girl, Lucian's little druggie"

"Trust me she's delicious" he said "she doesn't like me but she sure likes to fuck me. I don't blame her though, this motherfucking king cobra sure does its fucking job right" he said

"So are you thinking about keeping her?" I asked

"I don't know, but you know I don't love her, I love only you" he started with his silly games

"I was almost jealous that a whore would take my place" I pouted playfully

"Aww, don't worry no one will ever replace you, you're the only chance I have of getting a higher position in the mafia and society"
He also played along as we walked

"Don't worry, I'll make you my queen if the druggie doesn't satisfy you, you do look like one good cock sucking dick eater" teased

"We'll see I guess, now let me go play with my new little punching bag" he said and went the opposite direction I was going in

Thirty minutes later I came back and everything was all set, and I smirked

"Chrissy, don't you want my forgiveness, I already gave you your punishment, and you are one of my trusted men" I said

"Just. . .k-ill m-me. . . already " he whispered in pain, barely able to speak

"Why would I do that to my trusted men, I got a job for you, it's an easy task that will help you gain back my full trust" I said

"I-ill d-do a-ny. . .thing" he said again.

This is one of the many reasons why Felix is my right hand man, my second in command. He did a good job, Christopher was bloodied with wounds running all over his body, the omerta mark on his wrist was burnt off and he was no longer part of my mafia, he just didn't know it

"Christopher, I want you to take some salt from that bag and rub it all over your body, it will stop your wounds from rotting" I said

"W-what?" He said looking terrified

"You heard me, now chop chop, you don't want my men to do it don't you" I asked innocently

He got up powerless, headed towards the bag of salt and dug his bloody fingerless hands in the salt and held back his wales of pain, he rubbed it over his wounds as he held back his cries if pain, and finally couldn't hold back and whines and whimpers came out of his mouth.

"Is it filled" I turned to Axel and he nodded

They dragged Christopher to the death pull and started stripping the ragged clothes he was wearing

"No, no, you c-annot d-do this lex, please" Christopher pleaded but I wasn't gonna forgive him that easily

Well you see the pool is filled with acid, fluoroantimonic acid, to be exact.

"Good bye Christopher. Sadly this is how you die, not in war fighting for your mafia family, not fighting for the pride of your own, but in self pity and shamefulness. You brought this up to yourself, and now it's your end. Your wife will serve in this mafia and your children will be raised to fight in future wars, to fight for the Mafia unlike their father, they are innocent so they do not deserve the worst, don't worry they'll live a much better life than you worthless asshole could ever fucking give them,just be happy that I am nice" I said with honesty

"Thank you" were his last words before he was pushed into the pull and his screams of death could be Heard till he died.

"Now would any of you like to turn against me too?" I asked every man present in this room, silence filled the room as they put one hand high and one to their hearts and said "Mafia shall prosper in HIS rein"

"Good" I said before walking out

This was the price to pay for breaking OMÉRTA

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