Chapters 39: losing grandma

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Lex's pov

I was by the hospital bed holding Luna's hand in mine worriedly. Though the the Docter did say she would be alright I still worried so much for her.

She passed out during a fire, in my room and she couldn't come out, because it was locked and I blame myself for that. I shouldn't have locked the door.

I felt like she wanted to escape, to leave me, she wanted to get away from me.

But she wasn't gonna go until I show her just how much I love her, I just needed some time alone with her. Felix did say that once she got to know me she wouldn't wanna leave, he said that's why they get along with each other. . .even if they curse each other way too much for normal people. It is nice seeing my brother and my love getting along, two people I love.

Besides that; Russia is way too dangerous, that is the whole reason why I have so much security around my territory. It's all to protect the ones I love, she might go wandering where she isn't supposed to.

After that fire I sent Kai to investigate it. I mean Kai was the smart guy of the group; he's the hacker, the detective, basically everything that includes brains.

In the middle of my thoughts my phone started ringing. It was Kai so I answered as soon as I saw it was him

On call

"Did you find anything?"

"Oh hello Ghost, how are you doing, oh I'm fine thank you for asking"

"So are you gonna answer me or have a bullet between the first hairs of your eyebrows?"

"Ok, I looked into it and-"

"Yeah cause that is what I said you should do, now stop wasting time and tell me what I wanna know?"

"Ok just don't cut me off. . . So no one could've started that fire because the room was locked, there were no fingerprints anywhere besides her own. I also found your lighter and it had her fingerprints. So I started digging into her past a little and found that she had started so many fires just for fun. She started about 17 fires in two months, which surprised me a little seeing how innocent she looks. Umm I think it all started when she was caught in a fire in preschool. I think that might have tainted her mind a little."

"W-what do you mean, is it that she. . ."

"I think she might be a bit of a pyromaniac"

End of call

Can this really be? Is it that she may have mental issues? Does this mean that she can be a danger to her own self?

I put my hand on her cheek and caress it

"You're so beautiful, even if when you're asleep. I'll never let anyone hurt you, not even yourself" I smiled

"Lex, can you please just let me go home " I heard her whisper loud enough for me to hear

She just fucking woke up and she asked to fucking leave me. But,  was I gonna let her leave me, was I really?

Not a chance

"Not yet, kitten" I smiled, was I going crazy over her.

When did I change so much? When did I turn so soft? When did I start liking middle class girls? When did I start falling for red heads? Is all this worth it? Is she worth it?

These questions kept rushing in my mind. But, despite all those questions, what she made me feel was good, it felt good. It felt good having her presence around me. It felt good seeing her smile because of me

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