Chapter 5:Sencerely sorry

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The hunk stands up and glances at Andrew.

No no no no,he can't not like her, she's perfect in every way possible.  . . right?

Then he looks  her way. He savoured the way she looked  like she would disappear in mid air, and the light in his eyes would disappear along with her.

Lex's pov

I look at it them wondering if this girl might be my new assistant. Why am I so interested in her?
Anyway I'll forget about her very soon, but she's just so. . .no, she's nothing. She's like every other girl out there ,a bitch. She'll probably mess up and I'll fire her. She won't last two days

So anyway I drive home in my  my favorite black Lamborghini. But only because I am in a good mood today. I find everyone at the company very lucky today. I only fired two people instead of the usual 8 or more today. Ha: ] as if anyone can ever be the least qualified to work in my company. Those little flies just amuse me, when they get fired the look on their faces is priceless. I just love the way they look when they beg to me.

Anyway, get home do the usual, and get to bed.


I wake up in the morning and do my morning routine and drive to legend corporation. As I'm driving there I'm very tired. I didn't get enough sleep yesterday and I'm sure you're asking why. And the reason why is because I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her who, you ask? Well the her I'm talking about is the girl in red. Luna. . .I can't even forget her name like I usually forget everybody's.

Urghh that girl drives me crazy. I should just get rid of her before she drives me anymore mad.

But for now I wanna know more of her. Just a little better, maybe I can satisfy the hunger that wants me to get to know her.

No one's pov

Luna's first day was pretty great since Lex told her to assist Andrew for the day. She wanted to see if she could handle Andrew first, but instead she did great.

Today was her second day and she picked a sweater-ish top and a pair of jeans. The sweater was Amy's and it was kinda crop top-ish. So Luna decided to wear high waisted jeans since she didn't like showing too much skin. She braided her hair to the side and finished off her look.


"Hi" Andrew said, waving at Luna. He waited for her at the door like he did yesterday
"Hi Andy" She waved back.
They talked all the way to the boss's office.

They walked in and Andrew greeted Lex formally as she stood behind him "M- morning sir" she stuttered after Andrew spoke and sat down, but instead of responding nicely, he coldly  just said  "You like having your head higher than mine,huh"
"P-pardon?" She mumbled

"I don't like repeating myself, so just sit down before I lose my patience"

She quickly sat down on the chair across his desk.

"So tell me why you think you are qualified to work for me?"
Lex asked

"W-well I--" she stuttered but was cut off by Lex

"So do you naturally stutter?" he asked coldly

"N- no s-s-sir"

"Then don't stutter"

Coldness, disappointment and anger boiled inside of him as she looked down at her hands and tears started to prick her eyes. The way he talked heartlessly to her, reminded her of the way Milly use to talk to her when beating her up for something. "S-sorry. . .sir" she said holding in the tears

He looked at her for a while as if she was something interesting to look at. "Get out" he then said with no emotion in his eyes.

Luna slowly stood up sadly, to leave but lex stopped her when he said "Not you. . .him, get out Andrew" With that Andrew got up keeping his head down and left.

Andrew then closed the door behind him feeling bad for the girl left behind.

"How old are you?" Lex asked, out of the blue "20" she answered, Mumbling.

"Which collage did you go to?"

"I. . . I never went to college"

"Why not?"

"Because I couldn't afford it" she answered, still keeping her head down.

He stood up and leaned on the side of his desk and looked at her for a while and tilted his head slightly and then asked "Are. . .you crying?"

"No sir" mumbled almost whispering. "Don't lie to me" he said. A tear slowly slid down her cheek and hit her fiddling hand.

Seeing tears coming out of eyes because of him made his heart feel like it was being squeezed tightly. Why was he feeling this way?

He walked up to her and turned the chair to face him with her on it, and then crouched down to her so that they were face to face. He took his hand to her chin and slightly raised it so she was looking at him "I'm sorry. I. . . didn't mean any of it. It's just that I was raised to never be soft for anyone. I was raised to be tough as the heir of the Legends. I can be tough to the wrong people sometimes so don't take what I said to heart. So please forgive me."

It was quite for some seconds until she said "Well it's not like I have a choice" almost whispering, averting her eyes from him. Then looking back to his.

He looked into her eyes for a while.

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