Chapter 37: Wild Fantasy

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Amy's pov

It's been three agonizing days since Luna vanished, and I'm beside myself with worry. Not a single call or message since Thursday. Where could she possibly be?

It hits me. She must be at Grandma's place. It's the only logical explanation. That's where she has to be.

Without bothering with a shower, I hastily throw on some clothes. Damn, am I so frantic that I forgot about basic hygiene? Whatever.

Flagging down a taxi, I race to Grandma's house. Knocking repeatedly on the door yields no response.

Then it hits me—I recall Grandma mentioning a spare key, inviting us to drop by anytime.

"Kitty, Kitty, where are you, girl?" I call out to the dog, pondering Luna's naming abilities—or lack thereof. I blow a whistle, and Kitty comes bounding over.

After a few playful licks, I crouch down and open the bone-shaped dog tag, which conveniently doubles as a locket. Inside, I find the spare key.

What a clever old lady.

I assume they're probably asleep by now; after all, it's quite a journey from the city, and I've arrived late.

Entering the darkened house, I call out a few times while flicking on all the lights. As I enter Grandma's bedroom, what I see shocks me to my core.

Grandma lies on the floor, motionless, struggling to breathe. I scoop her up and help her onto the bed.

Frantically searching for my phone in the dim light, I'm interrupted by a knock at the front door.

That must be Ms. Svetlana.

I rush to answer it, only to find the police standing there.

"Hello, ma'am, are you—?" one begins, but I cut them off.

"Whatever, just call the damn ambulance!" I shout.

"Pardon, madam?" they respond in strong Russian accents.

"Call the damn ambulance! Grandma's dying, and you lot are just standing there like statues waiting for an invitation! Just call the ambulance!" I erupt, tears streaming down my face.

"L-Luna? A-Amy? Is that you?" Grandma's feeble voice quivers from the bedroom.

"Grandma," I whisper, attempting to rise but finding my legs failing me.

One of the officers rushes to investigate, returning swiftly.

"Call the ambulance. The old lady is dying in here," he declares urgently, albeit with an American accent, suggesting he's a young recruit from the States.

About half an hour later, the wail of ambulance sirens fills the air. I'm on the verge of collapse. What would I tell Luna if Grandma... I can't even bear to think about it.

But how did they arrive so quickly? No matter; we need to get Grandma to the hospital fast.


At the hospital, Grandma is stable, and I sit beside her as she recounts tales of her love story with Grandpa. I'm relieved she's okay, but when I bring up Luna, she simply smiles and reassures me.

"Yeah, I know, but we also know she struggles with—" I start, but Grandma interrupts, squeezing my hand.

"We shouldn't doubt her for that. She didn't choose this path alone. Let's just hope she doesn't cause any trouble and harm herself," she says tenderly.

The two officers return.

"Um, ma'am, we were at your house looking for Ms. Diana Kahara," the younger, more attractive one speaks up.

"You're speaking to her," Grandma responds with her elegant English accent, exuding power and grace.

"Ma'am, may we have a moment of privacy? This is a family matter," the Russian officer requests.

"Well, if you must know, Ms. Sirens here is family, whether by blood or not. If you can't discuss this with her present, I might as well call Levi Pavlov, an old friend who wouldn't mind. Would he?" Grandma asserts, not as Grandma, but as Mrs. Kahara, the elegant Englishwoman who defies age. She's a vision of strength and vulnerability combined.

Take that, Queen Elizabeth.

For some reason, I've always harbored a grudge against Queen Elizabeth II. Maybe it's those unfashionable hats she always wears.

"No, no, ma'am, there's no need to involve the Commissioner," the Russian officer quickly responds, bowing his head. "Um, ma'am, Mrs. Winters was abducted from her bus stop. Witnesses saw two large men in black threatening to harm everyone unless she came with them. Initially, she didn't take them seriously, but they threatened both yours and Ms. Sirens' lives, so she reluctantly complied. Some witnesses recognized their tattoos, indicating they were from the mafia, specifically, the Omerta. However, their tattoos didn't bear any national insignia, suggesting they're a rogue faction."

"They had an inverted triangle symbol, interpreted by some as anti-Illuminati, but to those in the know, it signifies a lack of national allegiance. They're a mafia without borders, a group of formidable rebels," Grandma concludes, leaving me in awe of her knowledge. "Don't worry yourself. Everything will be alright. Luna will be fine."

"But—" I begin to protest.

"Trust me, she will."

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