Chapter 2: Interview

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Luna got to work and immediately she went to the manager's office to apologize. She knocked on the door and heard a cold come in. As soon as she walked into the room she started apologizing to the blonde haired male in a casual yet formal outfit
"Mr Williams I'm so so sorry for being late,uhm I was having serious family problems and---"

"You're fired." The male calmly said

"W-what now"

"I'm sorry but it's the 8th time you messed up since this week started.... and it's Tuesday"

"Yeah but I need this job please don't fire me, you just can't fire me just like that... please I'll do better I promise and I will work harder next time. Please."

"I'm sorry Ms Khahara" he said sympathetically

"It's just Luna ....I have no last name." Then Luna walks away, tears filling hear eyes as she exited the building where she worked.

What is the point of life when you have nothing. The world didn't need her. She just wanted to die already.

While she was walking slowly she came past a building with a poster written 'in need of a personal assistant' she took the poster in her hand and quickly walked towards the sky scraper. She met two men I men in Black suits. The men were well built but also looked aggressive.

"You're here for the job" one of the men said more of statement than a question "Yes" she replied facing the floor.

"Follow us" the other man said.
They walked towards the elevator and Luna quickly caught up. Wow that was one of the slowest most quiet most awkward most boring elevator ride in the history of elevators. They then walked into some large intimidating hallways.

(A/n okay yes it is weird to arrive in a building and just get the job but trust me and just keep reading).

They got into a nice luxurious room with two sofas opposite of each other, and a glass table in the middle. Where a crying girl came running out of the room.
There was a man with a smile on his face. He had Sandy brown hair, hazel eyes, and had a few other beautiful facial features.
He was wearing a grey striped suit.

He looked at Luna and said with a grin on his face "Welcome, come in angel."

Luna came in quickly and the hazel eyed male asked her to sit. And she sat. "So what's your name gorgeous." The male asked "L-luna" she answered with an uneasy smile. The male's smile turned into a smirk when hearing her sweet voice "Andrew,call me Andrew." Luna forced a small smile. "You don't talk too much do you?" Luna lightly shook her head with a shy smile. "Tell me about yourself, what do you like, hobbies maybe." "Well I guess I sing sometime, but I also like reading and cooking" "Aww sounds sweet, tell me,do you have experience in these kinds of jobs." Luna smiled softly embarrassed she said "Not at all... This is my first" Then Andrew slightly tilted his head staring at her "Stand up" Andrew then said "Excuse me?" Luna said slightly tilting her head to the side "I said stand up" Then Luna did so, confused.

Then Andrew leaned back showing a small smirk "Turn around" Then that uneasy feeling came back stronger. But then the demanding power in his voice made her do so."No no no. No. This won't do. Tell me something darling, how old are you?"

"I-i've just turned 20" she stuttered at the sudden question.

"Sit down, sweetie." He said gesturing for her to once again take a seat.

What is it with you these nicknames he keeps giving she thought to herself

"So Luna, Ms who might you be?"
He asked

"Ms umm. . .is it fine if you just call me. . . "

"Its fine we'll save that for later, I'm still enjoying the sound of your cute name. So tell me If you found yourself in a difficult situation of, umm let's see. . .how about let's say. . .some tea got spilt on the boss what do you do?

"Well I'd get some napkins to wipe it off him with."

"And if there aren't anywhere?as in even if you usually had some, you didn't have any then,what would you result in doing"

"Well I. . .I would. . .well I guess I don't know I've never found myself at all in that kind of a situation before" she answered almost mumbling. " That's why there's something called being prepared for anything." He said as silence started to fill the room .

The male stood up and eyed her as he circled around her like a preditor marking his prey. He eyed her with no more than lust and desire in his eyes. She started feeling uncomfortable as his action only grew in his eyes. He then sat back down and never removed his eyes off her. He then ever so softly caressed her arm with the back of his hand leaving goosebumps trailing where his hand touched.

"You are a very pretty girl,huh,?" He lustfully said "so. . .so how about we just give you a shortcut to the dream job of many girls out there. It won't take long. . .and. . .we both know that. . .both of us will enjoy every moment of it" his hand creeping to her waist then making it's way up to her breasts.

The two men in Black just standing there watching as Andrew was doing wicked things to het

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