Chapter 10: Second Side

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Luna's POV

I got up to the sound of my ringtone.


I check the time and it's fucking 3 o'clock in the morning. Who's calling me this early. I listen to the sound of my ringtone a bit. I love this song.

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well that's alright, because I love the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me
Well that's alright because I love the way you lie
Love the way you lie

I wonder how a person can love someone so much, they even love the pain, and the hurting because of this so called love. I don't think I'll ever love pain. I can't handle any of it. Well, not anymore. No, I just can't.

Fuck, fuck, FUCK Luna just don't over think it

I pick my phone up and answer.

On call

"H-hello" I yawn in a sleepy voice

"L-l-luna, is H-hope there. She's been missing since yesterday. I-i've tried calling her but she i-isn't answering any of my calls. I-i'm getting worried about her. Y-you know she's my hope. S-so please tell me if she's there." Aunt Milly stutters over the phone.

I know she hasn't been the best aunt, but Hope is her daughter, my very first friend, my crazy cousin, well, practically my sister.

"What!" I quickly sit up " Did you phone her friends. You know her and partying. She might be drunk in some bar. You know her. But I'll try to contact any of her friends."

"Please do. I don't know what will happen to me if anything happens to her. I already almost lost her once. I don't wanna lose her again. Not again." She says, sounding miserable.

"Don't worry auntie. I'll try my best. I know what she means to you." I say, trying to calm her down.

"L-listen Luna. I-i know I haven't been the best aunt, but I'm sorry. It's just that. . .I was jealous. Your mother always got the best of everything. She used to get the best marks in school. She married the man of my dreams. She even got two beautiful children. She has her little Lucas. And she got the greatest gift of all. She got a beautiful daughter. The light in the night. I'm sorry. I hope someday you'll forgive me. I'll. . .I'll understand if you don't" she said, pain seeping in her voice.

"A-aunt Milly," I said, tears forming in my eyes "I already forgave you. . .you took care of me when I needed care. You raised me. Well, not in the best way, but you still did. And I'm grateful for that" I said as I realized how much she meant it

"Thank you. You truly are the daughter of Kayla. The granddaughter of Angelique Winters. You remind me of my mother. I've always been grateful for that. . . Thank you, Luna" She said before she ended the call

End of call

Well I know what you think; that  I'm naive. That I easily trust. Well I'm not. I meant what I said. I meant that I'm grateful. No one can change that. I know my aunt. She's not evil, she's just guilty. That made her angry so she took out all her anger on me. Although it hurts I'm still grateful for the fact that she raised me. And I'm here today because of her.

I can still remember, when I was young, she used to come back home very drunk. She'd cry her heart out. She knelt down and begged at my feet for me to forgive her. I used to be so confused and I didn't entirely believe her. But now I understand and I forgive her ENTIRELY.

Like I said; I'm here today because of her:

              FLASH  BACK         

The rope hanging from the ceiling. My heart pounding as I was putting it around my neck. The chair under my feet, wobbling mercilessly.

' no Luna. This is what you wanted, to end your miserable life right? Why are you so scared? You're a strong girl right? So just do it already. You'll finally be free'
I thought to myself

I pushed the chair away from my feet. The air suddenly stopped. My lungs were lacking oxygen. My heart pounding against my ribcage. Shit it's happening. I'm dying. I can feel it.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy, Luna?" Aunt Milly interferes.

She quickly takes off the rope around my neck. She then carries me to bed. And puts me down.

The skin of my neck was so purple. It itched a lot and hurt the most. But it didn't hurt more than the pain in my heart.

"Why? Tell me, why? Why did you do that?" She asked, tears streaming down her cheeks "Don't you know you can't die? You're the only memory I have of my little sister!" She shouted, crying her heart out "I can't lose you, no. . .no, I just can't"

She was drunk again. Why did she drink so much?

Suddenly I felt a stinging pain on my cheek. She slapped me.

"You little brat. You think you can have everything. Even death. Ha, not in my house," she said as she swayed mindlessly in the room "you think I did it all for your father's money? That I only cared for Kayla because I wanted her husband's money?" She scrunched her nose up as she looked at me "fuck that dirty mind of yours. Fuck your father's money. Fuck you for not dying in my sister place when that car accident happened. . .you know. . .when mother died I was 10 and she was 6. She was my only family that loved me despite my flaws. My sister. You killed her, you pathetic little brat"

                End of flash back

(A/n) Woohoo. It is on. The drama. The suspense. The pazzazz. The confusion.

I am so proud of me. I still can't believe that, that is all that is going on in my mind.

And oh hope is from another nation. Called imagination. So I hope you all get her character. She's kinda like me, a sexy, psychotic, complicated cutie.

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