Chapter 19: It's wrong

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"Can I walk you to your door atleast. I can't risk you getting hurt knowing that I could've been there but I wasn't" Lex said, concern washing his entire system

Aww, he cares Luna thought

Luna looked him, he was so concerned about her that he even fought for her. She looked at one of his hands to see blood dripping from it. She looked at his other and and it was the same with it. She took out a napkin from her handbag then took his hand and wiped it.

He looked at her and saw the woman of his dreams wiping the blood off his fists looking concerned. What more could he ask for.

She furrowed her brows a little before saying "You're hurt,"

He retracted his hand "It's nothing much" he said

She took his other hand and wiped it, it was also the same with that one too. Blood dripped for his hands and she felt angry and annoyed that he didn't look after himself enough to care that he was hurt.

"How could you be so careless you big fool" she was really angry.

"Relax it's nothing" he said

"It's nothing? Are you trying to make me feel bad huh?" She said tears starting to fill her vision

"What? No, why would I?" He said not liking to have to see her like this

"Lex, I just don't like seeing you hurt, especially if it's because of me" she said as a tear fell down her freckled cheek

"And I don't like to see you hurt either," he said wiping her tears

All she did was roll her eyes at this. I mean how could a practical gazillion billionaire care about simple girl like her?

"You see now it's fifty fifty" he smiled holding her hand in one of his and his other one caressing her soft cheek

"No, Lex, it's not. You're my boss, and I'm your employee, we're not the same. I basically depend on you for money even if I don't want to, I don't want to have to depend on you for my safety too, you have a life to live, and a probably beautiful girlfriend who loves you just as much as you love her back. Whatever this between us is," she motioned between them "is wrong. We're not supposed to be doing this. You're not suppose to be driving me home. You're not suppose to be getting hurt fighting for me. You're not suppose to be holding me like this. And we're definitely not suppose to be kissing like we were doing practically the whole day today. It's all just wrong. You're Lex Legend, CEO of the biggest company in the country, and I'm Luna Winters, a broken down girl who's just trying to stay alive in this huge cold world" she said, letting go of Lex's hands, now realising how wrong it was to have feelings for Lex

"Tell me, why is it wrong?" He asked

"A nice lady called Elle, phoned and asked me to tell you that she misses you, and that she loves you a few days ago. She said she wanted to come over to have lunch with you, but I told her that she couldn't because you were in the boardroom in a meeting. Later that day I came to tell you but you were going out with Mr Luthor and Mr Flair and you also shouted at me for disturbing your privacy. Mr Legend, Miss Elle clearly loves you. When your father came over he said that you were getting married. This is wrong. It will never be right, and it never was. It's just wrong" she said tears streaming down her cheeks

"Then if it's wrong let it. Elle's no one to me, I never loved her and I doubt I ever will. Fuck, I never even dated Elle. She's my father's friend's daughter who doesn't get that I don't feel the same way she feels. She just can't understand that. You are the only girl in my life. You are the first girl to make me feel like this. You make me feel things I can't explain. That day, my father came to tell me about the marriage proposal and I denied. Please believe me. I don't care about social status, I don't care how many world's we are apart, I don't care how many times I have to prove that you're the only girl in my mind, I don't care if we can't be close, I don't care even if you put me in the friend zone, I don't care if we can't be intimate, i don't care if I can't be your prince charming, I just wanna have you in my arms. I wanna be there every time you smile, I wanna hear your laugh, I wanna listen to your heartbeat until I fall asleep. I don't care if you aren't mine, I just want you to know I'm only yours. I know it's wrong to go against my father's wishes, but if wrong means having you right here in my arm, if wrong feels so right, then fine, let it be wrong. I f wrong feels so right then this is definitely wrong." He said.

He wasn't lying, he was asked to marry Elle but he didn't because he knew what Elle did for pleasure. And Elle became Lex's little whore because she knew that that was as close as she was ever gonna get to Lex.

"Please Lex, I can't live like this. You deserve someone like you, someone who deserves you, you deserve a beautiful girl who will fit in your world" she said

"I don't want someone to fit in my world, I want to fit in your world"

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