Chapter 24: Do you trust me

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Lex's POV

I took a look at the face infront of me. Her minty breath fanning my face as her face was just a few inches from my own.

What did I do to have someone like you this close to me.

I tugged a strand of her beautiful red hair behind her ear before pecking her lips a few times as I teased them.

As the kiss deepens into a passionate one, I find one of my hands on her thigh slowly stroking it. I caressed it as my thoughts got wilder.

If I had her, for sure she'd taste sweeter than now. I wanted to taste her sweet juices. I wanted to have her demand more from me, I wanted her to scream my name as she moaned sweetly into my ears.

My hands moved her dress a bit higher then moved to her inner thigh. I felt her tense up a bit as my hand moved higher along her inner thigh. Just as I was about to  reach my sweet destination she softly tapped my hand, before laying her own on mine.

My hand stopped moving under her own as she slowly pulled away from the kiss.

I looked at her blue orbs as I always knew that she could agree with me though her eyes said otherwise. She looked afraid of denying me.

"I'm not gonna make you do anything you don't want me to," I took her hand and kissed her warm palm "I promise, so trust me, okay" I said to hair in the most gentle voice I could

I wanted to take my time with her. I wanted to be patient with her. I didn't wanna force anything, I just wanted her to trust me, I wanted her to learn to love me without me pushing anything, even if it took forever I would have waited.

I don't know, okay. I didn't want to fall in love one day, but this girl. . .this girl, she just made feel things. I don't know how to explain the things I felt, but I knew they felt good. I know I barely knew her but I was willing to spend my whole life getting to know her, it was gonna be worth it.

I was taking a shot at doing something new, something for me, something that would make me happy, something that would be mine and no one else's, something if get to keep for eternity, and she was that something. She was that someone. Not for the Mafia, not for Legend Industries, not for The mighty mafia Ghost, but for me, Lex, not anyone else.

"Do you trust me?" I ever so softly asked, warmth and softness evident in my eyes

I didn't get an answer, but instead a pair of hesitant unsure eyes.

I picked her up by the waist and put her back on her seat.

Just by looking into those blue eyes, my heart immediately dropped to my stomach as it clenched.

"Bye" I said with the coldest of voices.

"L-lex?" She she softly called

"What?" I scoffed

She turned her eyes from the floor to me. They had a tinge of hope and glisten in them, but I averted my own from hers. Anger, frustration and disappointment running in my veins.

"Look at me" she said

I didn't want to look at her. I was. . . afraid. . .i was afraid they if I looked a her I'd hurt her out of anger.

"Lex, look at me" she repeated, but I I still didn't

I felt her warm hand on my cheek as she turned my face look at her.

She looked at me with this look on her face, a look I couldn't understand.

"Promise you won't be angry" she said

"About what?" I asked as the warmness slowly returned to my eyes

"About what I'm about to ask. Promise" she said

"What do you want to say?" I asked maintaining the coldness in my voice

"Promise me" she said, a little firmer this time

"Okay, I promise" I gave up

"Pinkie promise?" She smiled as she raised her hand for a pinkie promise, her pinkie in a hook shape

I rapped my pinkie around hers and said "Pinkie promise"

She placed a kiss on my pinkie and looked at me and bit her lower lip in hesitance

Is she seducing me?

I didn't know whether she knew or not what she was doing to me. My heart was racing at this point but my face still looked the same.

Elle has kissed much farther parts of me, fyi my dick but never have I felt this way.

This girl is gonna drive me nuts

"Do you mind walking me to my door?" She asked innocently "please"

I opened my door and got out without answering. Then I walked to her door and opened it for her.

"Sooo. . .?" She looked at me with cute puppy eyes

"Get out, before I change my mind" I rolled my eyes. Even when angry I couldn't resist dancing to her sweet voice.

She smiled sweetly. I just couldn't get over that smile. I hope she smiles like this for ever. I hope that she smiles like this only for me.

We walked slowly__really slowly__ to her door. The whole way we said nothing each other, but it wasn't awkward. It was kinda, nice.

She got to her door and turned to look at my silver grey eye

"Lex?" She looked at me

"Hmm" I replied in a hum

"Thank you" she smiled

"You don't have to thank me, I can walk you here every night"
I told her

"Not for that, you big dummy " she chuckled lightly

"Then for what?" I asked, for once not being able to read what's in her eyes.

"For everything. I really didn't think that a powerful person such as you could be nice to a village girl like me. Thanks for being a good boss to me" she smiled

Boss. BOSS. I'm was beginning to hate that word. I wanted to be more than that. I wanted us to be us.

But I have to be patient with her.

"Don't get to used to it, little red riding hood" I said as I walked off  "bye, again" I said before saying "and for real this time"

She chuckled "bye"

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