Chapter 43: Patiently waiting

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As I was pulled there were multiple mirrors around me as bright lights beamed through the mirrors. As soon as the lights started blinding me I felt dizzy

"Introducing Luna Winters.
Aged 20 just a few weeks ago
Height is 5'6
Blue eyes, and red hair
A beautiful virgin to die for" a male voice said in an American accent

"Turn around " another said from the small speakers on the corner of the ceiling "turn around suka" the voice repeated and I knew who it belonged to

I turned around reluctantly

"Fuck, I should've had you while I still could. Turn again " he said

And I did as told but suddenly, I heard gunshots from the speaker

"blyad" he cursed

Something hit the window infront of me really hard and actually cracked it like a bullet would and some blood trailed down from the tiny while in the middle of it and I realised what was happening

Seriously, two times in a row

My head was throbbing at this point. It felt like hell and two demons. I held it (her head btw) in both of my hands as my world spun, I squeezed my head as if it would make it better but nothing happened, it only got worse before black dots slowly covered my vision as I felt my body hit the cold wooden flooring

Nobody's POV

Beyond the one-sided glass window, Lex sat as girls were being auctioned off, not giving a damn, just waiting for the one he was interested in

"Kimberly Volkov
Aged 25
Height is 5'9
Russet brown eyes, and blond hair
Has only had sexual experience twice. This porcelain doll like beauty is one you'd need for late night hours" the voice of a man said "bidding starts at $100 000- he then said

Numbers started popping up on a big screen infront of all the buyers. $150 000, $200 000, $280 000. And the girl was ended up being sold for $640 000

Lex's POV

Well they all entered their bids and the girl was sold at an unexpected high price but she was fairly pretty

But not like my moonlight, my kitten, my flower and my Feisty tigress. No one could compare to her, nothing could compare to the innocence in her eyes, nothing could compare to how her small freckles were more beautiful than the starry night sky, nothing could compare to her.

Her picture perfect smile made my day, how her small freckles were more beautiful than looking at the stars on the night would just amaze me, her silky soft red hair made me want to run my hands through it and stroke it as she slept in my arms, how her bottom lip would pout a little when she chewed up on something, her lips would part a little when she was asleep and just screamed at me to kiss them, her beautiful blue eyes would just make me happy enough to drown in them. Everything she did fascinated me, how she was so cute when she was angry, especially after fighting over petty things with Felix, how she'd react to every move I made when we slept, how every touch would make her breath hitch and her heart race, how everytime we had a moment she'd turn a bright shade of red, and how cute she looked when she was annoyed and rolled her eyes.

Gosh everything about that girl fascinated me from the moment I met her, even the way she moved slowly and steadily no matter how little the task she was doing was. The way she made sure that everything she did was done the correct way, if not necessarily her way. The way she walked, the way she talked, and the way she carried herself was fascinating to me. Every small detail about her did.

The moment I found out she was missing I sped to the hospital to check if they were right. I went crazy to track down who took what was mine.

I made sure that no stone was left unturned, and now i was waiting patiently to take her with me and burn this whole place down to ashes, I will make sure no one comes out alive.

After seeing the CCTV footage, I was quite impressed. My little kitten was pretty smart and was one good runner. I was surprised by how she handled the whole hospital. Though I did notice how her bottom lip quivered, meaning she was afraid but she still took all the chances she could get.

And she escaped but from what I've found out she got taken trying to save a girl, who looked about her age. I heard that she ran so darn fast and covered a long distance in such little time.
She was pretty amazing and I smiled a little at the thought, enough so nobody would see I was smiling.

"Sir, everyone is in their places and waiting for your orders" Felix spoke through the earpiece I wore

"Ok, just wait a bit" I said lowly

Now this whole auction was being held in one of the places where the presidential protection secure system was placed, which was one of the places that many important people were place in moments of danger.

From what I know, the glass infront of me was bullet proof one sided glass. So the girl inside would be protected even if there was an attack, my attack specifically.

The door was closed everytime a girl was taken in and was opened again after they were done with her. Meaning I could kill whoever the fuck I wanted, have bullets flying everywhere but still have her safe then I'd take her away from this horrible place, nobody was gonna have their filthy hands in my kitten.

I was getting bored but then I heard that beautiful name. It sounded tainted coming from another man's mouth and I hated it.

"Introducing Luna Winters.
Aged 20 just a few weeks ago
Height is 5'6
Blue eyes, and red hair
A beautiful virgin to die for" a male voice said in an American accent, it was an American bastard who didn't know what anger he was evoking inside of me.

"I'm losing my patience" Felix whined "let me blow the brains out of these dirty bastards, who took that Lil fire head already" he snarled coldly. I guess Luna was pretty nice to be around if Felix wanted her back so bad. But he shouldn't get too attached to her, because there will, be site consequences.

(A/n) four votes, that's all I'm asking for. Just four votes before I can update again

I just feel like I'm continuing on and on with a story that nobody likes and I've come to the point where I'm like "why the actual fuck am I still doing this".  I just need some reassurance that atleast there's someone out there who likes my work because I feel so useless and idea-less

If you like you might as well just decide what happens next and give me suggestions because I'm running out of hope and ideas for Mafia's only.

Intact what is Mafia's only???

Gosh I'm so hopeless at a young age

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