Chapter 26: kings and queens

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"yes, yes yes yes" Luna moaned in her sleep and Amy soon woke her up slowly.

She fluttered her eyes open before she said "Amy, what?"

"You're having wet dreams, was it a hunk making love to you in your sleep?" She whispered

"You are sick, you know that?" Luna chuckled

She woke up not remembering who the hell was in her dream and she gave less than zero fucks.

She did her daily routine and went to work. As usual she found Andrew by the entrance waiting for her and they chatted on their way to Lex's office.

As Luna came in she put on her work face. When she got in the office she didn't find Lex so she decided to check the office lounge only to find the most cutest little girl and a boy there.

"Hiiiiiii!" The little girl cheerfully greeted and she couldn't hold the bright smile on her face

"Hi, and you are?" Luna asked curiously

"I'm Joshua, and this is-" the boy who is now known as Joshua said before being cut off by the little girl

"Nina!" She cut the boy off.

Luna was so bewitched by how cute the two were.

The girl had bleach blonde hair and beautiful glistening blue eyes with pale skin and the most cutest smile. The boy also had blond hair but with a few darker stands, he had pale blue eyes and he looked a bit like Lex.

"Ok here's your ice cream" Lex barged in looking tired "blue berry and pink chocolate"

Pink chocolate Luna thought to herself

"Yay, you're the best big bro ever!" Little Nina cheered

"Pink chocolate?" Luna asked feeling bewildered

"Yep, pink chocolate" Nina exclaimed

"That exists?" Luna asked herself out loud

"Yep, her highness must get specifically what she orders. Now Luna look after them, I need to work. Make sure her highness gets what she wants or we're both in huge trouble" lex said giving each child they're preferred ice cream.

"Mom said you must look after us, not your assistant" the boy crossed his arms

"Yeah I know, but I'm working, I have to work,ok? You'll understand once you're older" lex said sternly.

"Why do you treat me like a baby?" Joshua asked annoyed of his brother's attitude

"It's because you are" Lex answered

"I am not a baby, I'm 14, I'm not a baby anymore" he rolled his eyes

"But you will never stop being my little brother" lex softened a bit

"A real big brother wouldn't miss the little ones big day just for a stupid girl" Joshua walked away from Lex

"I-i. . .?" Lex couldn't find the words so Luna decided to take a risk and cut into the conversation as it was getting kinda tense and awkward

"Joshua, right?" She smiled "do you like parks because I know princesses do?" She asked

"Yay, I do love parks, right Joshie?" Nina smiled brightly

"We'll continue this conversation later" Lex turned and left

"Whatever" Joshua responded

"Ok, let's go" Luna motioned for Joshua to come along

"You don't have to pretend to be nice, I'll just tell Lex I like you then you can hook up with him. Just like every other girl does" Joshua told Luna coldly

"What? No" Luna denied once she understood what Joshua meant "Lex is my boss and nothing more. I'm simply being nice because I like you two a lot,
I've just always liked kids" she smiled

"I'm not a kid" Joshua countered

"Ok then, I've just always like people who are younger than I am" she cooed

"Do you like princesses, 'cause I'm a princess" Nina asked as they were walking to the elevator

"Of course your beautiful royal highness" Luna answered

"How about kings, I like kings" Nina asked again

"I like anything my princess Nina likes" she answered again

"Lex is a king, he is thee king. And you can be the queen because you are so beautiful, and beautiful queens are always the wisest. You can be second pretty right after me, then mommy will be after you." Nina went on and on as they walked through the street to the park and Joshua finally got sick of it

"Nina, you do realize you talk way to much for a six year old, if you shut up for a wile I'll buy you more toys, just please keep quiet" he pleased " you're gonna talk Ms Luna away"

"I don't really mind, and it's just Luna,vjosh" Luna said

"Shut up, I don't want toys, cuz girls rule the world and boys play with toys, right Luna" Nina countered

"Right " Luna gave a thumbs up

"Boys rule the world and girls play with toys" Joshua provoked

"Girls rule the world and boys play with toys" Nina said annoyed

"Boys rule the world and girls play with toys" Joshua continued

"If you say that again I'll tell Beyonce " Nina said finally and Luna just chuckled at this

"Luna can I call you mommy, not cuz I think you're old or anything. But because I think you're really pretty and I'd love a pretty mommy like you" Nina finally said after a while

"Ok I don't mind" Luna said happily

"Why are you so nice?" Joshua asked

"Like I said, I really like you" Luna answered "now let's go play a little"

And they all enjoyed they're day at the park

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