Chapter 35: Pretty eyes

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Luna's POV

I sat on the with my knees on my chest and my arms around my legs as I nested my head.

We were still in Russia it's been three days since Lex kidnapped me. I've grown to find out out that there was no escape and I just wanted to die already than have to see Lex's face everyday.

I didn't want to eat at first but he made me, then yesterday when he wanted to make me eat again I refused.

"I don't wanna eat your stupid food" I said as I turned my back on him.

He just sighed as he said "ok, anything for you"

Wait what

Did he just let me do what I want? Now that was a surprise

"I'll just leave the food here just incase you want some" he said

"I'm confident that I will not have it" I said confidently

"You're acting like a kid" he stated

"That's cause I am, I mean I just turned 20 a few months ago, dont you think that i still have the mind of a teenager old man"I raised an eyebrow as crossed my arms on my chest and turned to him

"Well atleast you're talking to me" he smiled sweetly and I felt flattered, but I didn't want to though, yet he always this affect on me, maybe it was because I had gotten used to him

I couldn't be affected by him I hated him with my all, yet my heart still spoke a different language

I screamed from frustration as I got off the bed to sit on the balcony. I just couldn't believe this was happening to me. The breakfast he gave me was still at the table in the room just waiting for me

Brrrhgleh my stomach growled

Who am I kidding, just like yesterday I'm gonna eat because I'll starve.

I walked back into the room same time the maid knocked on my door "just come in" I whined

"Ma'am, I'm here to bring you fresh food. Sir instructed me to not let you eat stale food. He said to tell you that you must eat your fruit and vegetables, you need your vitamins to stay healthy" she said

Lex was the only one to bring me food normally, I got kinda worried, but only a little though, not too much "Where is Lex anyway"

"Ma'am, sir is away for the day" she said out of respect holding the tray of food in her hands

"You can put that down. But please do tell, when do you think he'll be back?" I sat on the bed as she put the tray on the round table near the balcony and took the previous tray from before

"He'll be back before dinner, and that will be in two hours" she said

Two hours? I'd be dead from boredom by then

"Can't you call him?" I whined like a small child

"Madam, sir doesn't like being distracted from his work " she said

"Don't worry, just call me Luna" I smiled at the woman who looked to be around her 40s.

"Madam, I wouldn't " she bowed her head

"It is my name isn't it" I sweetly said

"Ok ma'am, if you need me to, I mean ms Luna" she smiled sweetly, there was just this motherly glitter in her eyes, a glitter that I haven't seen in a very long while

"Thanks, but can you just please call Lex for me, I promise I'll take the blame" I said

"Ma'am I can't" she protested

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