Chapter 15: Behind the Beyond

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Unknown POV

What could be keeping that perv? I've been waiting for hours now, but he isn't showing up.

"What could be keeping him up?" I growl.

I was sitting in my office waiting for that shit, Xavier Conners. I had sent him to go get a package for me. A very important package. If he's not back with it then he's done for.

He comes crashing into the double doors of my office as if he had been running for his life.

"Sir" he bows. I wave my hand slightly, indicating that he should sit down before I lose it. Cause trust me, I will.

He sits as I light up a large joint. I put in my mouth and take in a large amount then let out a puff of thick white smoke before glaring at him

"So, did you finish the job?" I ask coldly

"S-sir, i-im sorry, she got away sir. I-"


He was cut off by my hand banging on the large desk.

"You let her get away?" I questioned coldly. It seems like he's forgetting who I am.

"Sir I was stopped by Ghost's gay dog. That shit who's the man Beyonce, he's the one that got in the way sir, Andrew. I was close sir but he threatened me. Sir he-" he explained but I cut him off once again

"So you stopped because he threatened you? You little dick, he couldn't have threatened you in front of her"I fired back, I was angered by him not getting me what I want, what he was ordered to get.

"Sir he didn't threaten me like that, he said simple things that the girl thought would scare me, sir behind that small threat there was a hidden meaning sir, a meaning that only us two could understand, sir I couldn't do anything in front of her, sir you instructed me not to let her suspect anything, sir you sa-"

"So now it's my fault you didn't do your job right?!" I bursted out at him

"N-n-no sir, it's not like that sir. I can never say anything like that about you sir. I would rather lose my life sir, than go against you. Sir you are like a god to me" he panicked

"Like?" I raised an eyebrow coldly

"N-n-no sir, you are a god. You're my God."

"Good," I smiled, satisfied "you may leave now

" Yes sir, but may I ask?" He pleaded

"Mhmm" I blankly replied

"Sir, what do you want with that girl, I mean sir she's pretty, but not your type of pretty, she's practically broke without that job of hers, she has no one and nothing besides her probably dead cousin, her annoying blonde friend and that man whore Yates. She doesn't reach up to what you your sta-"


"Who are you to question me? Who are you to question my decisions? Who are you to question my orders? Oh wait let me remember- NO ONE!" I scowled at that worthless, ugly, greasy, dirty fat rat.

"So sorry sir. I was just curious. Sir it's just that Mr Chan wanted a nice girl for you, a girl who reaches your Excellency. Sir, I'm afraid the red one might not be-" he panicked but was still honest

There he goes again. Why does he drive me so crazy. I need her, she makes me sane. She makes me feel alive. I've gotta have her. But this huge rat in a tuxedo has stained her personality, he has made her unworthy of me. But no. . .I will make her worthy of me. She is my property and always has been

The thought of making her mine forever painted a wicked smile on my beautiful face .I got up and kicked the Rat on the chest causing his body to collide with the floor. I took out a 8mm pistol from my jacket pocket and pointed it to his head, he needed to be taught a lesson.

"I guess you do not reach my standards either don't you think. So I'll have to get rid of you, you worthless piece of shit!" I spat


His head rested on the black tiles of my office, in a pool of his own blood.

He deserved it.

"Clean it up" I coldly told the two men in front of the door as I walked out.

They both looked at each other, wondering what he had done to make me kill him

"Do you also want to fucking end up like him?!" I asked angrily,

I was finally losing my sanity. I needed to have her. I desperately needed her. She will be mine again. I can guarantee that. She will. She is mine after all. My property. She will always be mine.

Nobody's POV

Back at the movies, Andrew was busy trying to bury whatever just happened so that Luna doesn't get any suspicions about anything.

He tried to convince that the guy who jus molested her was just a drunk director who's crying over his lost job.

They soon got out of the building and she was so excited to introduce Amy to Andrew, she thought that they would get along perfectly. I mean what could go wrong.

They went The Neons after the movie and Luna woke up dumbstruck of where she was.

(A/N) Luna's a bad bad girl

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