Chapter 17: Naughty on the desk

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Luna's POV

"What's wrong?" He questioned lowly still looking at the documents in his hands.

"N-nothing sir" lies

Now he was standing right infront of me "if I were you I wouldn't lie" he warned

I decided to come clean with him " sir I have always had this silly crush on Keith. Today I saw him kissing someone else. I'm not crying because I'm melodramatic and crying over a man that wasn't mine to begin with, but because I really thought he liked me. You know, I am not just liking Keith. Iv known him for a long time and i liked him from day one. He was never a playboy, he was gentle, sweet, charming, handsome and he, he was just my ideal type. I never thought that one day he'd do this. he promised mr that when he came back from studying in London he'll come back, just for me, and give me all the love I deserved," I scoff "I guess I was just a fool that he'd keep his promise. Fuuuck. I feel so dumb and embarrassed in front of you right now" I said

"The contract that you signed clearly states that for a year, you belong to Legend corporation. You are the property of Legend Industries, meaning you belong to me. So you don't cry over another man. Keith is a man whore, a fuckboy or anything you wanna call it. So let him be, he never deserved you anyway. No man deserves your love, care and attention. Your only focus is your job. The only focus you should have is on me, I'm your boss and you're my assistant. So forget about him. He isn't good enough anyway" He coldly stated.

I understood. I fucking wanted to kiss him right now. I blankly stared at the floor as I wasn't allowed to look Mr Legend in the eye. Hell, no one was.

His hand creased my chin and raised it causing me to look at him. Causing me to look at those beautiful metallic eyes of his.

His voice was cold but his eyes said something else. He's tone of voice was brutal but his eyes,

They told another story, a different story.

They were calling me. Suddenly I felt a craving. A lustful craving toward him, my boss

Fuck it, Lex was doing things to me, things that I couldn't explain. Things that made me want him in sinful ways

I felt things in my stomach. It was crawling. It wasn't butterflies that I was feeling. It was spiders crawling in my stomach, they were gigantic spiders crawling in my stomach. That's one of the things he made me feel

Suddenly his lips were on mine. It felt good, we were actually kissing, again. He kissed me and I kissed back. He started nibbling on my lower lip. His hands travelled to my ass and gave it a gentle squeeze which caused me to gasp and open my mouth, then Lex to the chance and his tongue made its way into my mouth.

It danced in my mouth tasting every bit of me and moving in harmony with my own. This wasn't a 'i wanna fuck you' lustful kiss, this kiss was far more passionate and devotional. As if it expressed deep feelings

My arms crawled around his neck deepening the kiss. His own moved from my waist to my thighs then he lifted me up and sat me on his desk not breaking the kiss.

He then pulled back to get some air as we were both so breathless.

He took a moment to stare at me and I stared back

What on the firing depths of hell is this handsome man doing to me

He pecked my lips a few times as he fiddled with my hair. He then stuck his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled some of my scent.

He started kissing my neck. Then he sucked and nibbled on it while his hand groped on my breast.

I bit on my lower lip trying to suppress my moans as my hands were now in his hair. Fuck, it was as soft as snow itself.

One of his hands then went to my thigh and travelled up lifting my dress and moving further up. He caresses and gives my ass soft squeezes a few time.

He pulled back and pecked my lips. He stared his silvery orbs into my blue icy sea ones. I've never seen his eyes so soft, as if they held great emotions for the person he was looking at, which was . . .me?

He tugged a strand of my red locks behind my ear, then caresses my freckled cheek before tracing my lips. He studied my face for a while as I stared at him wondering

How could a person be so devilishly beautiful

He traced my lips and I closed my eyes and heard a velvet voice call my name "Luna" he said lowly, almost whispering.

My name sounds so good coming from his mouth as I replied with a quiet "mhmm"

"Open your eyes" he said.

He kissed my neck then my lip and said "please"

I opened them slowly to see how metallic eyes. He kissed me again as he lifted me off his desk.

He turned me around so that my back was in his chest as he kissed the top of my head.

He walked me to his lounge with his hands on my shoulders and made me look at a mirror on the wall.

"Look" he said pointing to me as his arms then wrapped themselves around my small waist.

My eyes widened at the site "Now I've marked you as mine" he whispered in my ear as a small smirk formed on his thin lips.

I was completely shocked to see a him so proud of the trail of large hickeys he had left as a mark on my neck.

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