Chapter 21: Bestie

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Luna's POV

I woke up to the loud call coming from my bestie.

"Luuuuuuna, you made me breakfast, you're such a great bitch to have as a bestie" she smiled widely as she jumped on top of me with her bright eyes as green as life.

I sluggishly stretched my limbs as I yawned, obviously tired

"What breakfast?" I yawned once again half asleep

"The one in the kitchen duuuh" she rolled her eyes

"Would you go get a shower, you reek of sex and alcohol, bitch" I turned on my bed

"I reek of what you need right now" she said walking to the door that was connected to our room which was also the bathroom

I reach my hand to the night stand to get my phone so I could check the time but instead find a piece of paper. I took it and started reading

Hey moonlight

So I had to leave early for work, so sorry for having to leave your scaredy cat self all alone. But I went ahead and made you breakfast to make up for it. It took me half an hour to find everything but I managed. I didn't know what you like so I made you the first thing that popped in my mind, a bowl of fruit salad and a bowl of garden salad, you gotta keep it organic if you wanna keep it fit.

I also kinda looked around then took you to your cute room since you didn't look comfortable on the couch. You should also put on a bit of weight, you weigh less than an ant, kitten. Remember keep it organic to keep fit.


And it had a little white heart at the bottom right corner.

I smiled at the cute nicknames he gave me. Okay, I blushed a little. . . okay, maybe I blushed into a cherry red colour.

"By the way you smell expensive. Borrow me your secret colone so I can make Becky believe I just got laid by my rich boyfriend"  she shouted from the bathroom use

"I smell like sex?" I asked

"No, you smell like money" she said

I sat up and swung my legs off the bed just realising something. My eyes widened in shock as I remembered

Did I kiss my boss

No no. I couldn't have, he is way out off my league. This must have all been a dream.

A really really sweet dream

No. I had to get that thought out of my head. It did not happen. Why would Mr Legend want someone like me.

I was just imagining things. Yeah, I guess this stupid crush got into my head. Yeah, it is all in my head, I guess I wanted him so bad I imagined his lips on mine, and his incredibly soft hand in my hips, lifting me to his desk, and attacking my neck with soft kisses and nibbled.

Oh my gosh, he is such a good kisser

Luna, get your shit together

I couldn't let my hallucinations get in the way of my job. I mean I just got it. I just turned twenty and I needed it.

I walked my self to the kitchen. My eyes widened as I stared at the full American breakfast and two salad bowls at the side.

Oh no. This couldn't be true. But fuck it, the guy is a gentleman. He made breakfast. I swore my heart just melted. I never thought a practical gazillion billionaire has ever stepped into a kitchen.

I took the plate and left the two salad bowls.

I will never surrender to the other side.

I'm never gonna be any less than a meat lover and a veggie hater.

I sat in the couch and had the breakfast that was surprisingly, delicious. If I could wake up to this breakfast every day I would be automatically living the life.

I finished and took a quick shower while Amy dried herself.

I stepped out of the shower to find her doing her make up.

"Seriously?" I whined. She just came back from partying with her make up still perfect, took a shower and is now busy doing her make up.

"I ain't nothing like you, I actually praise beauty, I am forever grateful to have a face like this, but I'm just adding a bit more pazzazz, you get me?" She went on

"Nope" I said as I took a towel and rapped it around myself.

"Has anybody ever told you that you are sexy, baby?" Amy said now removing her focus from her lashes

"No, baby" I rolled my eyes

"Well then, you're gorgeous, baby" she smiled

"And you're beautiful, baby" I smiled

"What would I do without you?" She suddenly asked getting emotional her eyes whelming with unshed tears.

She came closer and hugged my half naked body to her own.

"Umm, blondie, why are you in  lingeries?" I pulled back trying to figure out why she was so emotional and also trying to control the situation

"I know, it looks good on me. I was trying to seduce you, Lu" she smiled "I know. I'm hell of a hottie with a sexy sexy body"

We both giggled as I made my way to my room. I finally took my phone to check for any messages but I was horrified when the clock read 08:34. I was Sooo late. Fuck I had to get ready

I quickly slipped on a navy blue tight fit dress that reached just above my knee. I tied half of  my long hair into a side pony that reached my mid waist. I let the rest of my naturally wavy hair fall to my mid ass.

I then put on some black thigh high stockings and a pair of black   high heels.

I then look into my mirror to see if I'm satisfied with my look. I see the biggest horror movie scene.

A trail of hickeys on my neck,shoulders and chest. The good news was that they were slightly fading. And the bad news was how would I hide them.

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